Yeah, the adding and minusing stuff is Thursday morning. Gonna be a long ass day being up there early that morning then coming back and working all night. Maybe it will be worth it.
Excerpt from email invitation....
"Thank you for your interest in 505949, Nuclear Material Handler I. As mentioned in the Qualifications listed on the job posting, a requirement for this position is to be proficient in the basic mathematical functions such as add, subtract, multiply, divide whole numbers, percentages, fractions, and averages. You also must be able to convert US weight, capacity, dry measure, length, area, and volume to the metric equivalent. In order to demonstrate your proficiency in these areas, you will be required to pass a math assessment. "
I'm a little concerned about the last part, coverting standard to metric measurements. I wonder what that is going to consist of? I have to do that for haz-mat volume now. If I ship a quart of flammable resin solution via air shipment, I have to label it as 0.95L on the haz-mat docs. But I don't know all the conversions for various volumes and lengths and such. I just know that because we ship that quantity a lot and I use for any standard to metric conversions I have to make.
In the back of my mind, I think that it has to be a fairly simple test given no college education is required for the job....but I hope I don't sit down to take it and it pulls some wierd **** like "convert 7 inches to centimeters" I don't know many folks that would know how to do that even with college degrees Lol. All we are supposed to get is scratch paper and a pencil, no calculators or external tools. As long as the question supplies some sort of a scale, like "if 1 centimeter equals 0.38 inches, how many centimeters are in 7 inches?", then I can handle that no problem. I always expect things to be more complex than they end up being, just don't want to be caught off-guard. Have to make 80% or better on the test to pass. I've had several 2 year college level math classes that are still fresh on the brain, so I shouldn't have an issue with it.