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JohnG Health Issues

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John Galbreath Jr.

38 Special & Solo Buggy
May 24, 2007
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While I have not kept this quiet from everybody, I have not gone out and publically announced it. Oddly enough, I am a very private individual.

But, there have been some jokes made here over the last few days that to most, make no sense. Most are half assed jokes, me included. In situations like this, laughter helps, along with hard work at rehibilitating.

Some of my closest friends have been kept up on Facebook in a private group I created. But, with the surgery behind me, and on my way to recovery, I felt it only proper to let the Hardliners know what is up.

So, here are my updates in order over the past few weeks.


May 16 at 4:45pm

I am creating this page to keep family, fraternity brothers, and friends up to date on my current health issue. I have found out that I have cancer. I went to my regular doctor on April 25th. I showed him where I had a tightness in my left butt cheek. He sent me that afternoon for an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed a mass 7cm (about 2-3/4"). They then scheduled a MRI at Grandview on May 3rd. The MRI confirmed the mass and I was sent to an Oncologist at Grandview. My appointment was May 11th. The doc went over with Nan, Joy and myself what the findings were. He also took 6 biopsies of the area to verify his findings. He scheduled a CT scan to document the "extent of the disease". The CT scan was done the same day. The CT scan showed possible places in the lungs and liver. This morning, I was sent to get a PET scan and got out first good news of this whole ordeal. The places in the liver and lungs did NOT show up on the PET scan. This means that chemotherepy will not be required at this time. I am scheduled to have a buttockectomy (resection of gluteus maximus) this Thursday (May 19th). This will be followed by radiation. The recovery period will be about 6 weeks. He says I will never be able to run, but will regain the ability to walk. First with a walker, then with a cane. Then get rid of that too. So, last weekend was kind on my last offroad ride for a while. Had a great time at Choccolocco Mountain with Ben Bone and Crescent. Also been working on getting everything in order to be down a little while. I have been quiet about this until we got the results of all the tests and knew what the schedule was going to be.


May 17 at 7:59am

Thanks for all the kind words, they are really appreciated. I know FaceBook is really not the place to break news like this to all my great friends, but, I just did not know another way to get the word out fast and so everyone knew the whole story. Thanks to those that posted, texted, called on the phone, and sent me messages. Y'all really mean the world to me. Off to make today a productive day, I challenge all you to make it the best day also. We got this!


May 18 at 10:05am

Looks like the surgery is scheduled for 7AM tomorrow (5/19). Think we are ready for this. Kind of sureal having the time to plan to be down a little while.....


May 18 at 6:23pm

.... I want to thank everyone for the posts here, I am reading every one of them and reacting within to them. Even thought I may not reply to many just to keep the cluter down, I am overwelmed with the outpouring of words and wisdom from all of you. These posts mean the world to me. Thanks.

We go to Grandview at 5 in the morning and surgery is scheduled for 7. I actually think we are ready, both physically and mentally for this. I am actually looking forward to the physical therapy, because that is where I can really show my determination in getting back.

I will have .... post tomorrow as things progress.

What great friends I have.


May 19 at 4:50am

At Grandview, we got this.


May 19 at 4:40pm

I am doing good. OK I guess I get to see how this voice dictation works if they can keep up with southern man actually this Grandview is a really cool hospital the people are great hadn't really had any problems but even they want to do things with a towel like what I do on a cruise ship all my towels are made and animals and stuff pretty good but I feel good I'm not in any kind of pain but I do say I'll probably be here through the weekend and the first part of the week.


May 21 at 5:53pm

Having a pretty good day today. I'm disconnected! Got out the cather, took off pain pump, heart monitor, and IV drip. Still have IVs in both hands in case needed. Still have two drains in. But got on clothes today and sitting in a chair. I think the staff is baffled by me pushing them to push me. But they will get over it!


May 23 at 10:21pm

Tomorrow should be update day. I have had a couple set backs. Mainly with the catheter. Put it back in yesterday. Insertion about as bad as driving a truck up my pecker. Saw my Urologist today and now on same page for next removal. I push too hard on PT, then lots of pain, repeat. So, I am going to back off a little and rest a little more. Think Joy counted 58 staples on one of the pictures. Tomorrow should find out if I go to in-patient PT. That would be a 2 week stay hopefully here, but gave them the signature to check one other location in town. Probably will have to add/change handrails going from garage into house to allow me easier access. Doing my excercises, probably too much! Getting some sleep, 30 minutes here, 45 minutes there. Longest time is 2.25 hours since Thursday. Got 10 minutes before more pain meds, then a little sleep till 11 for vitals....... Ah pain meds early, type fast! There is not 2 hours 24/7 that something is not being done. Got 40 minutes for a nap, taking that instead of posting. Hopefully more news tomorrow,


May 25 at 9:26pm

Wednesday update: Got the cathater out today and peeing going good. I was worried about that after they put it back in a few days ago. Got one IV line out of hand. Still have one in, but not in use. Got both my drains out today, the drainage got down to an acceptable level. We were hoping to go to in-patient rehab, but passed my tests!! So, good I am doing good, but not going to in-patient rehab as Blue Cross would not approve. Walkered up to "Easy Street" today and practiced on their stairs and practiced getting onto their "car". I was not confident I could get into my pickup, so Nan brought it out front and I practiced my escape. I am to re-hab two times tomorrow, then once on Friday and will be discharged Friday sometime. Then home with excersises and start out patient re-hab here at Gradnview next week. Over did it again today, nothing new, so about to try and get some rest now. Up for a round of excersises at 5:30 so I can be ready for AM physical therapy.


May 26 at 1:49pm

Have had a great day. Looks like I may be getting my walkering out of here papers today. Home a little later, I miss my dog!!


May 27 at 11:30am

Friday 5-27 Update: Made it home. Increased my reps on my exercises from 15 to 20, got one set of 3 behind me already. Cut pain meds in half so far during the day. Have to take full dose at night to releive pain. Hard night last night, going to have to watch water intake before bed. Made for a long, peeful night. It was nice to sit outside on the deck and have a cup of coffee with Nan Galbreath, listening to Jimmy Buffett. Can't wait to get Archon back this afternoon. Hopefully he will realize I am hurt and he can't jump on me, if not, guess Nan will have to separate us for a bit. Good to be home. Start my out patient physical therapy next week, hopefully at Grandview. I must say, I am VERY impressed with this facility, from the building, to the doctors, to the nurses and other staff. Great expirience. Don't tell Nan Galbreath, but I think I am going to miss the "hospital food"!!!!


May 30 at 9:08am

Monday 5-30 Update: Getting better each day. Yesterday was the first day there was not discharge from the incision location, so no bandages on right now, just the pull of the 58 staples. I have my excersizes up to my goal level. There are 11 exercises, some together and some each leg, but up to 30 reps each (started struggling at 15). That is a total of 540 reps per set. Plus 600 feet of walking in the walker per set. Doing this three times a day for a total of 1,620 reps and 1,800 feet walkering. Getting close to being ready for the cane, Nan and I have done it for several steps, but I do not have the balance down enough yet. My first therapy session is this Thursday. I'm sure most if not all my excersizes will change then. Looking forward for an excercise regiment set up for me personally. Happy Memorial Day and thanks to all that have served our great country, you are the reason we have the freedom we enjoy.


June 1 at 12:36pm

Wednesday 6-1 Update: I am so looking forward to therapy in the morning. The excercises they gave me in the hospital are getting old and I think more than half are no longer helping. Few still hard at my current 30 reps. Done a little walking with the cane with help from Nan. That is what I am going to work on hard today. I am ready to kick this walker. Spirits are staying up. It is so good to hear comments from all my friends here. Now at 36 hours without any pain meds. Should be able to stay off today and tonight. Probably will take one before therapy tomorrow so they can get the most out of the session. Each day the pain is less, and I am getting stronger. Still do not have the balance thing kicked yet, but that will come as I learn better how to walk.


June 6 at 11:06am

Monday 6-6 Update: Been doing well. Went to therapy last Thursday. Told her I wanted to work hard. Wow, she is following up on her end. The excercises she sent me home with are hard, but doable. This set is working the proper things. I have been having more pain in my left leg, (thigh and calf), so I moved my doctors appointment up a week just to let him check it out. He prescribed Flexiril for the leg pain, it works well. But gives me dry mouth so bad I wake up with my lips stuck to my teeth. I have only taken it twice. I took it today at 5:30am, and it is working great, perhaps the trick is to take it during the day. But,I want to see what he can cange me to. So, this week I have therapy Tuesday, doctors appointment Wednesday, and therapy again on Thursday. I got out of the house Saturday night and went and visited my offroading friends at GreyRock ORV. Good times, we sure don't get together as often as we should. My goal was to get back to offroading by August 19th. I now see me back to simple trail riding before that. Any rides going on over July 4th weekend, I sure would like to try something simple. As soon as I get these staples out, I am headed to the River Deck, which was another August goal. Thanks for all the well wishes, they really mean a lot to me and keep me pumped up.


Sent using left thumb.
Let us know if you need anything. Here's to a speedy recovery.
Wednesday 6-8 Update: Went back to cancer surgeon doctor today. Told me I was doing better than anyone he had seen with this surgery. Yea! Got the staples out and now just steri strip closed. He was very surprised that I could move my left leg rearward, which has taken a lot of work. He did verify that he completely removed the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, and gluteus minimus muscles. Had another session with the therapist yesterday and have another scheduled for tomorrow. Getting around very well with the cane and most of my balance is back. Going up and down stairs, with cane, alternating steps by foot (rather than bad down, good down, on each step) if that makes sinse. Go back to see cancer doctor in a month. He gave me a referral to another doctor to start radiation. This will start as soon as I can get on schedule, perhaps as early as next week. Doctor verified that I have no restrictions, I can do what I feel like doing, including driving. So, things are looking up, thanks for all the support. Now off to do my excersizes, then maybe a nap.
Heard about this recently ...... I'm glad to see that your doing well thumb.gif.

Don't ya just love the red label sticky socks they give ya lol
We need a giff just a half assed one for you! :****: Keep up the therapy! Oh and you have made much more progress on healing than I have to my buggy! Challenge is still accepted! :)
Explains the half assed comments....funny as hell now...

Glad you are recovering quickly and well!! Keep up the hard work and determination!
I like hearing about stuff this way, after the fact. I know there's still more to do but the initial uncertainty is far less I imagine. My dad didn't tell anyone except my mom about his lung cancer until after the surgery. Made it a lot easier to handle. Keep on keepin on man :driving:

Glad to hear your doing well and it's even better to see you've still got your sense of humor. That will really help you through the recovery process.

Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk
Very happy to see you are doing better.

The positive mindset always helps and it looks like your the personification of that.

Keep on pushing John !

All my thoughts for a speedy recovery.
Glad to know you're recovering well and taking it in stride.

Crazy how fast a "tight place in your butt cheek" escalated!

Get well mister thumb.gif

Happy to hear you are doing well. Will keep you in our thoughts for a quick recovery.

Sent from my XT1585 using Tapatalk
Lost my Dad eight years ago to cancer.
Never sick just took him before he knew he was sick.
Most men are such hard asses we don't go to the Doc for the things that bother us.
So glad you took the time and the pain in the ass(no pun intended :butt:) going to DOC to get it checked out.
will be keeping you in prayers that GODS will be done.
look forward to seeing you this fall at GM.
Glad you ok man! Won't be long you'll be back doing good. Just don't walk pick your poison again in front of bug e j. And them. Think it made them have butt hurt. No pun intended. :****:
I heard about this at our club meeting Monday night. Great to hear that you are doing good and I'll say some prayers for your speedy recovery.
We've never met, but I wish you the best. My grandmother is a 4 time cancer survivor so I understand what you are currently going through physically and emotionally. I'm impressed with your will to get through this, keep fighting the fight!
Prayers for a speedy recovery!

So the doctor told you that you won't be fast, and you won't be slow, you'll just be "half assed"...? laughing1
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