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Finally!!!! (My shop build)


When in doubt, the skinny pedal is on the right
May 8, 2008
Reaction score
Anniston, AL
I know it's not a buggy build , but it's hard to build a rig without a shop . So I finally got the means a money to build one . I already had a 32X22 concrete pad in the back yard ,but decided to add to the it so we could have a shed on the side for storage .

Well here goes , It's going to be a 32 X 22 . Going 3 block high with 8 foot walls ( total wall height will be 10 foot) , 1 10' wide X 9' tall door on one end and a walk through on the other. Block , mortor mix, and sand was delivered today and added section of concrete pad will be pured tomorrow . Don't have any floor plans just going be site right now but will post some sort of drawings tomorrow. Here are a few picks of what was dropped off today.




Here some pics of the original pad with my truck setting on it. The oringal pad is already 32 X 22 but I did not like the way it was facing and there was no room for a storage.





The reason behind just one 10 X 9 door was that I only wanted one rig at a time in the shop so it would not be over crowded.
Cool shop man, you will love it. I really wish I had a detached shop, oh well maybe one day
The pad has been pured and looks good. :dblthumb: I have a few more pics of today I will post later . It will be next weekend before we start to lay block. Thanks for the compliments guys , it's been along time coming for me to get one :dblthumb:!!!!!!!!
Here are the pics I took today. I really have to give a big thanks to Scoot Dothard @ Scott Dothard Construction. He did a great job and even help with clearing some of my yard while we waited on the concrete. If y'all need any construction work give him a call ( 256-689-6241). He can build what ever you need from the floor to the roof :dblthumb: and he is also real good on his prices :dblthumb:.



And if you ever need any building supplies give Todd Hughes a call at Webb Concrete(1-800-600-2195). He can hook you up with any thing you need in that department :dblthumb:!!





LOL don't need them when out of the city limites :flipoff1: . BTW Happy Birthday BIG DAWG!!! :dblthumb:
Well this weekend we were able to lay the block and clear off some more of the land. A speical thanks to some friends of mine Mahan , Danny Duke, and Heavy it didn't take long to lay the block. We started about 8 O'clock and was finished about 11. The lumber will be here Monday and we will get started framing it probably next weekend. :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: :woot: WANT BE LONG NOW!!!! :****:


And yea Chaseman ,Mahan did work. He didn't start drinking till after the block was layed!!! :****:










Mahan came by today and brought Randall tractor to clear some more of the yard. I will have pics of it soon. We will be building a Pole barn in the space where we are clearing for storage of my camper and rig so to leave more room in the shop to work . Will more than likely have a spot for his 67 SS Impala that his dad left him. We really need to get it out of the weather so we can start with the rebuild on it.
Keep it up Bubba and before you know it you will be bending tube in there. So did Derek take the week off after toting block? :flipoff1:
CHASMAN9 said:
Keep it up Bubba and before you know it you will be bending tube in there. So did Derek take the week off after toting block? :flipoff1:
LOL, I had the block already set up for the guy so there would be less block toting( Them bastards get heavy after about 100 or so :****: ), but that mortar mixing like to have killed us both. We had 2 block layers and one small wheel barrel for mixing mortar and it was all me and Mahan could do to keep up!
Rescue1 said:
LOL, I had the block already set up for the guy so there would be less block toting( Them bastards get heavy after about 100 or so :****: ), but that mortar mixing like to have killed us both. We had 2 block layers and one small wheel barrel for mixing mortar and it was all me and Mahan could do to keep up!

So your saying for me not to hire Derek Francisco Rodrigo Jimenez Juarez Taco Bell Consuelo Rivera Jalisco Dominico Mayhan to build me a brick path just yet? Does he have a green card or Visa? :flipoff1:
No steel, no pre treat, no vapor barrier, fiber mesh??? And you and Bob Vill Jr. want to be my builder. I don't think so... :flipoff1: :drinkers:
Not trying to Bob Villa ya, just not used to places that don't need it, we have to put steel in sidewalks if we don't want the frost heave to bust them up.

Looks like a nice shop so far :dblthumb:
There was no need for the steel . We used fiberglass in the concrete mix , besides I don't think That cold in Alabama.
[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][/size][/size][/size]NICE DOG HOUSE DUDE[size=10pt][size=10pt] :flipgotcha:[/size][/size]
rock yuppie said:
[size=10pt][size=10pt][size=10pt][/size][/size][/size]NICE DOG HOUSE DUDE[size=10pt][size=10pt] :flipgotcha:[/size][/size]

Complete with a 47" TV and surround sound stereo :****: ! I got to have somewhere to go . It will even come with inside lockin doors molaugh