Well-Known Member
so before i go spend 80each on new injectors i was wondering. are they shot forshur when fuel drips out and not sprays? its an 88-92 tbi 4.3. i went thru and cleaned the whole tbi unit. it was pritty nasty.

so before i go spend 80each on new injectors i was wondering. are they shot forshur when fuel drips out and not sprays? its an 88-92 tbi 4.3. i went thru and cleaned the whole tbi unit. it was pritty nasty.uke:
TBI injectors spit more than they spray. They are not a fine mist by any means..
well its 100% drip. as soon as it fires it runs for about 5 seconds and runs out of fuel.
iv already had the injectors out and kinda cleaned em just not soaked um.
I have yet to see a tbi injector get plugged or have the mechanical portion stick. Are they both doing it? If so you have a feed issue...
yes they both do it equally. my pump is pumping and my regulator is turned up to 13.5 i belive. man you reply fast, Thanks:beer:
yha, 13.5 psi isnt enough presure to get anything to mist.... latter /aftermarket tbi's use a smaller injecter @ higher presure to get closer to atomising...
I have yet to see a tbi injector get plugged or have the mechanical portion stick. Are they both doing it? If so you have a feed issue...
I deal with them everyday and have seen several. Especially if they sit for a while without starting the engine.
To ensure there is no connection problems you can use a couple jumperwires and connect 12v and gnd to the inj as you have someone turn the key on.
But as Mark said, you need to check the pressure with it running. When was the filter last changed?
Is the pump in tank or frame mounted?
Operating pressure should be between 12-14psi. For some reason I wanna say the big blocks only ran a high pressure tbi setup.
CPI used a single TBI style inj at higher pressure to fead all 6 cyl's.
I run a Holley version of the 4.3 TBI. Several years ago I went through several injectors that seemed to be demonstrating the same behavior you describe. I eventually traced the problem down to bad, but partial connection in one of the wires.
It has now been several years since I replaced an injector, and in fact the ones that I am running were ones that I previously pulled out because the weren't "working".
Operating pressure should be between 12-14psi. For some reason I wanna say the big blocks only ran a high pressure tbi setup.
I deal with them everyday and have seen several. Especially if they sit for a while without starting the engine.
To ensure there is no connection problems you can use a couple jumperwires and connect 12v and gnd to the inj as you have someone turn the key on.
But as Mark said, you need to check the pressure with it running. When was the filter last changed?
Is the pump in tank or frame mounted?
You can check the spray pattern by pointing a timing light at the inj with the pickup on the coil wire instead of #1. You should note the inj's alternate fire not at the same time.
thays whats on it is the holley version. and the wires have power. do you know how many volts they get at idol.