Its been a long time since i worked pn my 20r but i dont believe it had an electric choke...however i could be completely mistaken. If its electric cant you follow the wires? If i remember right it was water temp sensitive. I believe any electric choke would have been a mod...but once again its...
100 dollars a person at the gate this year. Hopefully keeps some of the crowd down.
Best off road event Ive ever been to... but its gotten so big and crowded, I might just watch from home again.
I talked to ole zukizzy about one on my car. His recommendation was rear and forward of the axle if possible.
Wide open design 4 seat on 2.5 coilovers with pretty light springs. 100lb uppers in the rear if i remember right.
Unfortunately i cant say ive got it installed and its amazing or it...
Zuk Izzy was his handle if i remember right. Dude is amazing. Im lucky enough to live in his neck of the woods. And he tuned my suspension. Til i blew my radiator fan apart and got towed home...
The recommendations when i asked the same question was always a lower spring longer than the travel so you never come off the shock body and bind on the shaft.
Around here it will be people in some kind of electric wheelchair thing on groomed trails looking at nature preserves and still wearing covid masks. Only wheeling will be a video game with a monthly membership and some sort of government approval before they'll allow you to play...
The capacitor filters definitely help with electrical noise. And to get the vox working without picking up engine noise and what not you basically have to put the foam of the mic touching your lips and then pull it away enough it doesn't annoy you. Make sure your talking directly into the flat...
One recommendation I can make is get a baofeng or rugged or whatever hand held so your co driver can get out and spot on radio and you can hand it to someone who doesn't have a radio if they piggy back into your group.
Side note... spotting your buddies through something nasty without needing...
We had one on a jobsite that was 220v but worked plugged into 110. It was terrible until we got it plugged in to the right voltage...any chance it's got a 220 motor?
I used an aluminum block tapped three times to Tee one into the output to the cooler. Gives you an idea of how hot stuff is getting. Same theory of getting oil pressure after your heads and coolant temps at the cylinders.