Back when I was drivin airboats on lake Okeechobee, my job was to kill invasive weed species. We mainly used a product called Reward. Reward will burn up just about anything it touches. When we got the OK to "nuke" an area, we used a mix called the "bomb". The "bomb" was 64 oz of 2-4,D and 32 oz of Reward mixed in with 100 gallons of water. This stuff kills trees, weeds, grass, cattails, briars, poison ivy, poison oak, kudzu, and just about anything else you don't want. In the summer, you don't have to worry much about rain washing this stuff off as it only needs 30 min to do the deed. If you go and spray a kudzu thicket at 8:00 AM, it will be brown and shriveled up by lunch. :****: Works better than a billy goat.
Now, for unwanted grasses and lawn weeds, you shouldn't need the 2-4,d. The active ingredient in Reward is Diquat. Do a search on Reward and see what percentage the active ingredient is, then try to find a product with close to the same percentage. It will do what you want. Don't over mix this stuff thinking it's watered down sissy ****. I went to one guys house that looked like a desert. He used it straight and killed the **** outta the weeds, which was great until it rained and then it killed his whole fawkin yard. :****:
On a side note, the "bomb" is some crazy stuff. Spray in the AM and the **** is dead brown when the sun goes down. It's black in 3 days. This isn't no yard grass either. The weeds we were spraying would get caught up in cattails, so we would go in the cattails and spray everything.