Ok since you are all so hell bent on the Squirrel pictures I will ablige with a short write up on her.
First, I know you all laugh as I never wheeled this thing, unless you count the time I put the front wheel on the 8 inches of landscaping block out front of the house here.
With out a garage and most of the needed tools to do a build up in a quick, or safe fashion I engaged Crashfab to do the work. I told the man my budget and we discussed how I would like it done, and then I quickly handed him the creative freedom any capable fabricator would want. ALL! and he does indeed keep me on budget, "jack lets keep in mind that some of these things can be upgraded later" its ringing in my ears...:;
Here she is out at mikes the day he pulls it into the garage.
What I found is very amazing about the SUzuki Samurai is that it comes a part nicly and there are people out there that will give you money for the parts.....quickly I recovered the vehicle cost with a few sales. Here is the beginging of the end. I was amazed at the simple cleanlyness of it all.....don't ever expect this thing to look like this again.
And would you expect anythingless than one more go at the ramp.
:hi: :kiss:
Ok as many of you already know a 1.3l motor is not the best "PowerPlant" if you know what I mean. So I found this little guy.
This is a 2RZ out of a 2001 tacoma...I think. never the less 2.4l is better than the previos wood chuck that was spining under there. NOW WE HAVE THE "Secret Squirrel"
Well, the next step is a given, more power means more beef
and some sweet ass mounts to hold the "Secret Squirrels" under the hood.
Well a known issue with this motor is the oil pan......hangs down a counrty mile, so mike put me to the task of getting the parts list for the rear sump and pan....I LOVE GOOGLE!
Parts list:
12101-75060 Oil Pan, (T100 2wd 2.7L, 6 qts)
15104-75020 Pickup Tube & Strainer, (T100 2wd 2.7L)
11494-75010 Oil Hole Plate, (T100 2wd 2.7L)
15147-75020 Oil Strainer Gasket, (T100 2wd 2.7L)
15301-75020 Oil Gage (Dipstick), (T100 2wd 2.7L)
11409-75020 Oil Gage Guide (Dipstick), (T100 2wd 2.7L)
91651-60614 Bolts (Oil Hole plate), (4) Req'd
00295-00103 FIPG (Form in Place Gasket material)
NOt in place but I have them now.
Well since I am running a Toy motor...I figured what the hell I like lots of levers and switches. OH and no these things were not this clean to start with.........
and I had very little to do with it.
And I will update the goings on as I know.
Or if Crash has some input DO IT MAN!