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  1. High-Five

    His word is gold

    Nice to see something happening out there:awesomework:
  2. High-Five

    Offical core challenge 2010 aftermath thread

    Thank you! We (Timber Tamers) had a great time creating and running the two obstacle courses for everyone, we tried to make challenging enough to make it fun for all. I made some new friends and look forward to working with C.O.R.E. again for the next one! Thanks to all who came out on a day...
  3. High-Five

    New information on 2010 team trophy challenge

    Cool! I hear the width restriction has been removed...that opens this competition up to a LOT more rigs! Possibly some 'street legal' truggies and or buggies that have been trailered since Reiter has been closed wanna go compete !
  4. High-Five

    Reiter WILL NOT open 20 June 2010!!!!

    Woot! This is a great news, it will allow focus on the real target, planning and creating a sustainable trail system!
  5. High-Five


  6. High-Five

    'Old' Reiter -- the last weekend

    One reason I wasn't too excited to go out there, looks like the 'regs' had a good time though! :awesomework:
  7. High-Five

    Busted! Didnt think yo came in here anymore?

    Busted! Didnt think yo came in here anymore?
  8. High-Five

    Late night fab

    Looks a little different than last time I saw it. Nice work guys!
  9. High-Five

    ALL GIRLS Trail Run @ Reiter - August 30th (Sunday)

    I was giving moral support via the Crashfab cam...mighty nice of you to get Ann up and running Mr Crash:awesomework: You ladies have a GREAT run tomorrow!!!:cheer::cheer:
  10. High-Five

    Lots of fun following the Little RTW Work Party today

    No belly aching here! I was GLAD for the bypass! I F@!#$%ing hate inching along in traffic! I prefer doing it in the woods! Had a great time before during and after wheeling...great company and good times!
  11. High-Five

    Vandalism @ the back door

    More vandalism Nice winch work at May creek too...this was the scene last weekend (08.02.09)
  12. Reiter 08.02.09 005.jpg

    Reiter 08.02.09 005.jpg

  13. Reiter 08.02.09 004.jpg

    Reiter 08.02.09 004.jpg

  14. Reiter 08.02.09 003.jpg

    Reiter 08.02.09 003.jpg

  15. Reiter 08.02.09 002.jpg

    Reiter 08.02.09 002.jpg

  16. Reiter 08.02.09 001.jpg

    Reiter 08.02.09 001.jpg

  17. Reiter 08.09.09 015.jpg

    Reiter 08.09.09 015.jpg

  18. Reiter 08.09.09 025.jpg

    Reiter 08.09.09 025.jpg

  19. Reiter 08.09.09 013.jpg

    Reiter 08.09.09 013.jpg
