I would get the 7k axles for the bigger brakes and tires. I don't see why you would have trouble getting ticketed. I had a TN DOT officer stay beside of me while towing a 20' trailer with the brush painted M1008 that I used to have on a 4 lane. He was looking at the hitch area but since I had...
I ran the GM20 behind a stock LQ4 in my buggy for a few years and it worked great and transmission was easy to cool. Had a TH400, 3.8 case, and 5.13 gears. Went with a higher stall PTC behind the new engine.
I see quite a bit of tube length showing in the passenger side of the front 14 bolt. How are you solving the driveshaft to engine clearance issues that the 14 bolt pinion offset causes when used as a passenger drop?
Everything looks great BTW.
Re: Re: 6.7 powerstroke. Good or bad????
Crash ratings would keep that from happening. I replaced the turbo on my F750 with a 6.7 Cummins yesterday and stood between the tire and the frame rail. It is very easy to work on.
Not sure about Mississippi but a TN Trooper Sargent told me that I could daily drive an 18 wheeler if I wanted without a CDL as long as I was not using it commercially to make money. I got that answer when I asked if I needed a CDL for a F750 with air brakes.
I still miss my old Samurai. It was stretched to 104" and linked. The 1.6 would deny me where tire speed was needed. It could never climb the last ledge on Mason Jar at Harlan. Everyone would laugh at the sound of the accelerator pedal hitting the stop before the engine revved. It did great on...
That is true. My LQ4 had hydro locked and bent a rod. I didn't trust the crank afterwards. I used the bare block and built the engine with new LS3 heads. Mine is supposed to be 565 and dynoed at 315 at the rear wheels. I can't imagine what 1000hp would feel like. I am having to learn to drive...
46,000 BTUH would not keep my TH400 with 10" PTC converter cool. I added 37,000 more and it is fine now. It was much easier to keep the transmission cool when it had a 12" Hughes 2000 stall.
Watch for mold. When I had my 40x80 with R10 roll insulation and insulated doors built, mold started shortly after. I did not have a problem on my old 40x60 with R3 roll insulation. I added 2 dehumidifiers to eliminate the problem. The new one is much easier to heat though.