We went to Moab at the end of April for one week. We took our daily and weekend driver Jeeps instead of our buggies. We wanted to do the scenic trails and be able to drive around town. The hardest trails that we did were Hells Revenge, Poison Spider, and Top of the World.
Alabama Senator Andrew Jones (RINO) had submitted SB254 which has potential to close private offroad parks in Alabama. This forces parks to have a $5 million liability policy which most could not afford to pay.
We had a good time at Sand Hollow in the 4 seater X3 Turbo but there is no way I would get rid of the buggy for one. I would have as much money in the SxS as what I could get out of the buggy. My back hurt for two weeks after riding for three hours in the X3. I have never had a sore back after a...