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  1. Bunk1

    Koh 2014!!!

    Everyone will be required to have wrist bands. $20 for supporters of koh, it will get you into hammertown after 6pm as well as good seating spots during the race(Backdoor being mentioned). If you don't want to support koh you will get a generic wristband after signing a waiver.
  2. Bunk1

    Where do the buggys wheel?

    Buggy wise washington will never be a top wheeling state until someone buys land with the sole intent of building a 4x4 park.
  3. Bunk1

    Guess where this is?

    Road to poop shute
  4. Bunk1

    Link Advise

    Jayluke could cover the subject best.
  5. Bunk1

    Link Advise

    Cause bending or breaking center pins is cool!!! Once your bashing your front hanger and rear shackles to death then your ready for links.
  6. Bunk1

    Diesel shop?

    You see the common rail swap he did in the '10 or whatever ford? Still using the ford trans. Dude is smart and has a great future.
  7. Bunk1

    lathe 2.5mm spacers?

    Where do the spacers go exactly?
  8. Bunk1

    Diesel shop?

    Sno valley diesel wont fawk your bank acct(or your truck for that matter) and hes damn sharp with new fords.
  9. Bunk1

    Fix it or just sell it?

    Whats the price of the core? Ebay should have a rubi close to that year for price reference.
  10. Bunk1

    whores, and watch this

    Common knowledge is some people haul ****ing ass down a trail. Like light ****ing speed fast. Then guys with Toyota dual t-cases are all doing the booze cruise at 100:1 on a single lane trail. Then there's guys who are unlocked with stock gears and 40's. Those guys will clog a trail too. But...
  11. Bunk1

    whores, and watch this

    When ya gotta bitch blame a whore. Since it was at elbe they threw in the wtf guys. ssdy
  12. Bunk1

    Naches Seasonal Trail Closure

    I dont see why. It fawking rains a fawk ton here and you drive a knobby tire rig on that **** and it ruts out. The more you get the worse it gets. The way i see it those area's need to be paved, or not driven on til the soil hardens up.
  13. Bunk1

    1980 Suzuki lj80

    You dont know people!
  14. Bunk1

    1980 Suzuki lj80

    Do 7/8ths 3/4 heims. More material surrounding the ball. Aluminum will work just fine, is easier on the pocketbook and wont rust.
  15. Bunk1

    1980 Suzuki lj80

    Ive never heard of anyone doing 4340 links, only heat treated 4130. 2 inch 7075 lowers will be fine for the rig since its light and they will be short. Those 3/4-3/4 heims should work fine for awhile but may be something that needs to be replaced every year or so. Maybee plan for going to...
  16. Bunk1

    Jeep TBI help

    Easiest thing to do is check for vacuum leaks, they will fawk alot of stuff up if you got em.
  17. Bunk1

    Limiting Straps?

    Trail gear makes quad wrapped straps that are supposed to be real nice.
  18. Bunk1

    Will there be another "OUTLET MALL?"

    Well said
  19. Bunk1

    November 17th test drive

    Some people have the wool over their eyes, and will never see the light. No matter what you say they wont understand. It is cool that some form of reiter is happening though, and this play date is suprising to say the least.

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