Because i dont have the money to build it the way i want to right now. And i'm tired of not wheeling. I already have 5.29 gears for the toyota axle, and will just lincoln lock it. done deal for now. It will hold up with my driving style.
Thanks Mark M. for the rear axle. Picked up a complete toyota wide rear from him this morning. And now its ready to sit on its own weight. I just gotta get the 33's i have mounted up again. Then it will be a roller :awesomework:
Im going to grab the engine hoist, and will start on mounts here...
My buddies 04 dodge blew out axle seals in both ends this last weekend. Doing nothing but cruising up the road.
But hell dodges are perfucked and dont have any problems at all.
You PM me a price. And i'll go from there. I dont wanna spend a **** load since im more looking for temp tires just to get me on the trails once my shitbox is done. plus i need rollers real soon so i can push my pile out of the garage this week to clean it.
you gonna sell the boggers and beadlocks Sam? If so how much? I dont wanna spend much, but depending on price i may be interested so i have something decent to run when my rig is done.
this will learn ya to not run it down again. :haha: Just like most have said, It needs to prime itself, and get the air out. Sometimes it takes a long time, sometimes it doesnt.