I got bored 1 day and machined these ,they press into the factory adjuster and weld in. it takes the kingpin dana 60 inner axle seals. If you need them,you can have em for 25.00 plus shipping..
Here's a pic of my 14 bolt rear steer
I have both i i use the versa more then the jd i like being able to cut at any angle the versa will allow you to cut some the spin around and cut without turing the pipe works great on funky bends
The holley efi dominator . And push start stop is this thing.and 7 total rocker toggle switches.The fuse block is bussman 8 circuit i believe not a wiring guy at all and thats why i haven't messed with it,i don't wont it to look like crap .wizard bought it all b4 he died here's a picture. I...