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  1. G

    6.2 opinions

    Opp's my bad, I thought there was another one out there. But not a performer, so personaly I stayed clear and didn't keep up with them. But it would still work ok to swap in a BB or a Cummins :cool:
  2. G

    Hammerz trip meeting FEB the 4th or 5th

    On that note................ I would ask is there spots for spotters, picture/video takes, winch B!%@H. If there is, is there a need for this type of help? The first time I went to Easter Safari I tagged along with someone that had been there. It was more of an education than anything. I did...
  3. G

    Exhaust systems

    Crash have you been on the NW Bombers site yet? There was one for free there the other day. You may want to check it out.
  4. G

    Exhaust systems

    Crash have you been on the NW Bombers site yet? There was one for free there the other day. You may want to check it out.
  5. G

    6.2 opinions

    First off (nothing personal) but the chev gas converted to diesel suck! I feel better now. OK if you through enough money at anything it will run good (sooner or latter). As a hole this motor is a turd and had issues (lots of them). So if you if buy it knowing of its falts & being willing to...
  6. G

    Project red dragon

    9000 I still like the way that 9 turned out.:D Have you had it out yet? I got twice over the holiday's :cool:
  7. G

    52 chevy truck...

    Lets see I have had a 51, a 53, and a 54. They are a sweet truck, love the lines.:cool:
  8. G

    Diesel vs Gas

    Had both gas (big & small block) and diesel. As long as I have a say in the matter it will e DIESEL. :cool:
  9. G

    Texas VS Washington

    I was looking at that, almost got one. Found one Cali that was take over payments. Fly down drive home :cool:
  10. G

    Diesel vs Gas

    Had both, Diesel out tourqes gas engines hands down. I hope I never have to go back to a gasser for towing. Not to mention the econamy & how about how long the motor will last.
  11. G

    What tire you running?

    Running 33 MTR's they are ok (suck in heavy mud). I got a screaming deal on them new, so life goes on. Before that I had 33 TSL R's siped (helped with wet & icy roads). I wish Interco made a big 33 to 35 IROK, that is what I want to try next. I like the 34 LTB but but I prefer the 12.5 wide and...
  12. G

    What tire you running?

    Running 33 MTR's they are ok (suck in heavy mud). I got a screaming deal on them new, so life goes on. Before that I had 33 TSL R's siped (helped with wet & icy roads). I wish Interco made a big 33 to 35 IROK, that is what I want to try next. I like the 34 LTB but but I prefer the 12.5 wide and...
  13. G


    :cool: I just hope it keeps coming. That and gets lower :D
  14. G

    Lets see your tow rigs

    Has it had the KDP fixed yet? If not you may want to geter dun :D
  15. G

    Anybody tried the Coopers?

    They work fine every place I have used them except slick sticky WA mud. If you get into the slick sticky mud they turn into slicks. I realize I don't have a V8, but my 16V was spinning the tires. No it did not clean out the mud. I never had that much trouble with my TSL Radials. Yes the MTR is a...
  16. G

    Suspension Seats

    PRP :cool:
  17. G

    KDP failure

    "Oh my---So thats what happenes with the pin comes out ?" Actually it can be worse than that. It can happen to 12's & 24's alike. The odds may be less, but is it worth it? If it happens to you, you will be :mad: At yourself for not fixing it. After I bought mine I brought it home and tore it down.
  18. G

    Anybody tried the Coopers?

    I was told the MTR was a good tire, and it is for the most part. But it sucks in the mud, would I by another pair, not unless they were mainly street use and light wheeling. These look nice but I would not be surprised if they fall into the same performance range.
  19. G

    Samurai engine decision

    Your question "im super confused, wich one do you prefer?" #1. 1.9TDI (any VW Diesel, TD or TDI ) the kicker is finding one for a reasonable price tag. #2. 1.6 16V (that is what I have). great little motor. Works great, runs great, easy on gas, easy to maintain. If I had my way I would only own...
  20. G

    Samurai engine decision

    The 1.6 16V works great, for a gas motor. Light, easy on fuel (DD) so far no big issues with power. With the right gears that is. But I think the 1.9 TDI would be the BEST choice.:cool: I prefer the light weight motor or the heavy ones.

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