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  1. boardbysled

    Boardbysled's Budget Buggy Build

    More parts arrived Some sweet Ruff Stuff gussets And a heavily discounted Ruff Stuff aluminum rear facing lightbar Started work on the front end. Chopped the frame just behind the motor mounts and started my tube frame. Started eyeballing the radiator placement Custom motormounts...
  2. boardbysled

    Boardbysled's Budget Buggy Build

    Glad to see photobucket changed their linked images policy. I will update this with some fresh pictures! Haven't made as much progress as I wish but starting to move forward pretty good now. Onto pictures! Manual transmission TX-10 t-cases have this little lip on the input of the t-case. Auto...
  3. boardbysled

    Rrc 2018

    Kind of off subject, but I see North Idaho Mud and Crawl is having a rock racing event this spring. https://www.facebook.com/North-Idaho-Mud-and-Crawl-536511423044406/
  4. boardbysled

    What's a good ball joint?

    Spicer ball joints are pretty affordable on Amazon.
  5. boardbysled

    Sold/Expired 36x13.5 Iroks and 15" Beadlocks

    5x 36x13.50"R15 Super Swamper Iroks and 15x9" 6x5.5" lug DIY beadlocks, 3.5" backspacing. 50-60% tread. One has a blemish on the bead, spare has weather checking, both still hold air fine. PM for my phone number and I can send pictures. $750
  6. boardbysled

    2004 Wrangler 4.0L Problems

    Aren't those years Wranglers famous for vapor locking the fuel rail? Maybe vapor locked and damaged one of the injectors? Might be something to research a little further.
  7. boardbysled

    Boardbysled's Budget Buggy Build

    The time came to steal the good parts off my original Pathy. It will be sad to take it to the scrap heap, but the time has come. It was my first vehicle and the one I really learned how to fix/fabricate on. Got the t-case setup out of it along with the front axle, rear third member, and some...
  8. boardbysled

    "Stuck" Caliper

    For the $20 it costs for a 1/2 ton chevy caliper, I'd just replace it.
  9. boardbysled

    Boardbysled's Budget Buggy Build

    Started mock'n up where I am going to add some more tubes in the rear. Worked on tearing the body forward of the firewall today. Plan is to chop the inner fenders/core support off at the firewall and tube it out forward of there and the motor mounts.
  10. boardbysled

    Boardbysled's Budget Buggy Build

    Worked on this a bit today for the first time in a few months... got a 2.5"x8" Surplus Center Ram. Was able to take a closer look at some of the stuff in the parts pile. Kinda disappointed with the quality of the FOA shocks and bumpstops. But they aren't leaking oil yet and the price was...
  11. boardbysled

    Boardbysled's Budget Buggy Build

    Can't part out a good running rig.:redneck:
  12. boardbysled

    Boardbysled's Budget Buggy Build

    Haven't had much of a chance to work on this the last few months, busy with work and the holidays. But I have amassed a pile of parts: For the Front: 2.5"x14" FOA reservoir coil overs 3 link kit w/7/8" heims from Barnes4wd 2.5"x8" Surplus Center Ram 22"Wx19"H crossflow aluminum radiator from...
  13. boardbysled

    Good quality th350 pan gaskets

    Looks like LubeLocker gaskets are available for the Turbo 350, seems like people have pretty good luck with them.
  14. boardbysled

    Toyota "race" truck

    Good looking rig. :cool: Going to race in the PNW Offroad Racing Series this year?
  15. boardbysled

    Boardbysled's Budget Buggy Build

    No change, been busy with the holidays and honey-do's. Should get started on it again here pretty quick. Should get another pile of parts before long as well.
  16. boardbysled


    Be rough to tow out with a snow cat. We towed a bronco out one time with my dads snowcat and it was all we could do to tow it down hill.
  17. boardbysled

    Boardbysled's Budget Buggy Build

    Yup, all the tube connections are sleeved.:awesomework:
  18. boardbysled

    PCM/VCM reflash--who?

    Wayne (150tunes) or 208 Motorsports seem to be the go to guys in the NW.
  19. boardbysled

    Boardbysled's Budget Buggy Build

    Also remembered I had this photo of the 4link calc with my rear link geometry.

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