4 internal ( hummer wheel style) lock rings HDPE only have 3 rides on them. they fit a 15x10 wheel paid $200 for them in oct. of 09 $150 obo 770-653-7505 will trade for 15x10 with no centers
i wonder if the guy in the train looked over at the other guy in there with him and said ( damn guess i owe you the five bucks damn thing did go over ) ::) ::) ::)
verry sad. i just posted it up on my club forum a guy on there watched a frend of his get killed just last year on a gravel road on the way to the trail. just goes to show you never know when its going to go bad but thats when it does . will be keeping the familes in our prayers
.Suggested Accessories | Customer Reviews50-4708
.0 Reviews
.Overview.SM465 to early GM NP205 fig. eight bolt pattern
.Price: $250.00
.Description.This is a replacement casting for the stock GM adapter. The GM casting was a cast iron adapter that was common to breaking the foot of the...