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  1. muddinmetal

    Grand wagoneer

    Wish I had money
  2. muddinmetal

    42x14R17 Irok Stickies

    I'll text you tomorrow, but any interest in trading for 39 reds? One is 99%, 2 are 95%, and one is 45 %
  3. muddinmetal

    Random Thoughts

    You think we should let the flag on too? What about fag? Hell, being called a Mother "Lover" offends me... do you avoid saying that word as hard as you do the N word? If you don't that is insensitive and racist in it's self.
  4. muddinmetal

    Random Thoughts

    John G only censored the N word over the Ferguson Missouri situation. Traffic shot up and he didn't want google to pick up on it
  5. muddinmetal

    Random Thoughts

    Or that would show that you yourself are racist. Also, passive aggressive is not a good look. I think we all know who you voted for... if you weren't too lazy to vote that is
  6. muddinmetal

    Random Thoughts

    I better not see anybody talking about : old white guys, crackers, Karens, or honkies then
  7. muddinmetal

    Random Thoughts

    I am tired of all the queers openly queering up commercials. The **** is disgusting and if they think they are going to condition the young minds in my home to believe that that abomination is ok, they are bad wrong
  8. muddinmetal

    Pump or Lever Action Rifles

    I have a Super Blackhawk in 44 I love. I hear you on the Henry's though! Damn nice guns
  9. muddinmetal

    Pump or Lever Action Rifles

    Looking for lever or pump action rifles chambered in 30-30 35 rem, 357 mag, 405 Win, 41 mag, 44 mag, 444 Marlin, 45 colt, 450 marlin, 454 casull, 45-70, etc. Also I like revolvers and other old guns Post, message, or text. Thank you, Tyler (2five6) 7three8 zero47one
  10. muddinmetal

    3.5 Ecoboost

    Biden would be proud
  11. muddinmetal

    Small Pistol Primers

    The last place I saw them in stock was getting $10 a hundred and that was almost 2 months ago
  12. muddinmetal

    Small Pistol Primers

    Good f'n luck! Primers are the new currency my friend. Can't find any anywhere. Maybe Shooters Warehouse in Cullman?
  13. muddinmetal

    43 stickies / KMC Beadlocks

    $1800 is what I got for it
  14. muddinmetal

    43 stickies / KMC Beadlocks

    Actual quote from one of my previous for sale ads: "Offer me 1k to be funny if you want. Offer me 1k nicely, that's fine. If you're fudgeing stupid and disrespectful and offer me $1000, just remember some people aren't afraid to beat your ass, regardless of what the cops or your mommy says"
  15. muddinmetal

    Question for anyone with Corbeau XP seats.

    Cordura doesn't clean effortlessly, but is tough as hell. I have been wearing boots with at least some cordura in them for 15 years.
  16. muddinmetal

    NP231 Transfer case lower gears

    Adding an automatic transmission to the mix will effectively "double" your gearing due to the torque multiplication of the converter. A rig with an automatic trans and a 75 to 1 crawl ratio will feel like a manual rig with a 130 or 150 to 1 ratio.
  17. muddinmetal

    NP231 Transfer case lower gears

    Manual trans?
  18. muddinmetal

    Ride at Stony Lonesome December

    This pic makes those rocks look doable by a TJ on 35s. That is definitely not the case!
  19. muddinmetal

    Ride at Stony Lonesome December

    I know Piper's hands are super soft, but they have to be strong as much as he uses them. We need to get him rounded up for this one too
  20. muddinmetal

    Ride at Stony Lonesome December

    Of course it would finally happen when I am nursing a UCL injury in my left elbow. I'm still in though!

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