They sure are. The lake and walking trails are covered up. I have seen no one pulled over here in Guntersville
No one is going to get pulled over towing a boat in town. That is where the town's revenue is so you would have to be doing something real stupid to get local PD on you
If I spend $50,000 turning a block of wood into an offroad rig that doesn't make it worth a whole bunch of money.... It makes me a dumbass who wasted a whole bunch of money
Surely someone is just trolling… in this present economical situation $12,000 would be very generous. With that mileage it would honestly be worth more stock.
I know nothing about this rig, but I am pretty sure this guy had a different rig for sale years ago and someone asked if they would fit and theis guy mentioned being very tall , that is all
I believe it probably would, but I know the flanges on the yokes are different so you would probably have to but at least a new rear with them being 32 spline (if I remember correctly)