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  1. B3

    MMORV - Wheelin' 4 Warriors - May 23-26, 2014

    In .... is there gunna be a race ?
  2. B3

    King of the hammers KOH

    Man I wish I was there !!!!! Gunna be glued to the screan tonite at 9
  3. B3

    stearing decision ???

    ( ROCKWELL 607) its got a 3/8 plate and .180 wall dom gaurd on it and it bends like its paper
  4. B3

    stearing decision ???

    ok here goes i got a rockwell buggy with a double ended ram on it mounted in the front ... and it sucks cuz it hits stuff all the time and bends ... and pushes the ram into my rotor ... which has to be in the front cuz if not it hits my crank pully . so im trying to put the ram behind the axel...
  5. B3

    Sold/Expired @

    Re: gold digga for sale thanks for some better pics . i hate to sell it but just burnt out with all of it . jus seams its not about riding anymore ive heard that from alott of people lately . that and every time i turn arround its 500 here an 1000 there . kinda miss my other buggy it was a POS...
  6. B3

    Sold/Expired @

    Re: gold digga for sale it should be at RBD if i still own it ....... it prolly will be
  7. B3

    Sold/Expired @

    :fish:https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=166622160180449&set=t.1819855608&type=3&theater this is the only pic i have 2013 DIRTY SOUTH MOTORSPORTS buggy 406 sbc on pane rockwells with the usual stuff th350 205 an 44s tsl stock axels no rear stear 116 WB 38k OBO /NEG CASH ONLY you cam pm or...
  8. B3

    Sold/Expired 1990 suburban

    will trade for 43 stickies on Rockwell steel wheels . Gunna part it out first of the yr .........
  9. B3

    Toy Hauler Build

    THATS BAD ASS !!!!!!!!!
  10. B3

    Sold/Expired 1990 suburban

    someone help me sell this i priced it high cuz i needed jew room AND IT IS NEG !!! http://atlanta.craigslist.org/eat/cto/4157617203.html
  11. B3

    Sucker Punch vs Cherokee!

    molaugh skully booyang :driving: :woot: :flipoff1: :flipper:
  12. B3

    AOP - $10,000.00 Bounty Hill - August 16-18, 2013

    what time does the race start ?
  13. B3

    "GOLD DIGGA" by Dirtysouth Motorsports

    is it saturday yet booyang :driving: :woot:
  14. B3

    tow rig needs a motor

    wow :-\..... i really dont think i care anymore :-\
  15. B3

    tow rig needs a motor

  16. B3

    "GOLD DIGGA" by Dirtysouth Motorsports

    YES !!! :driving: booyang :woot:
  17. B3

    WOP - Crawl Reader's Ride South - July 27, 2013

    never ben here i guess theres camping :dunno: and is there a bucket to wash up in :dunno:
  18. B3

    F250 or 2500HD????????

    F250 if it was my $$$$$. at work we had about 50 or 60 HDs and about 25 or so fords we got rid of all the chevys cause the frames where tering out where the hitch was mounted . yes i know they where over loaded as hell but so where the fords and they had no problems . we now have all ford and 2...
  19. B3

    tow rig needs a motor

    k ... time for me to look like a dumb ass........ whats an 8.1 where do i find and about how much
  20. B3

    tow rig needs a motor

    got a 90 subturden its got a 454 in it now with a broke crank ( long story ) NO IM NOT PUTTING A 12 VALVE IN IT so my choices are another 454 or a 6.0 . still going to keep my 465 &205 combo with a 14bolt and 4:11s with 33s . for what it would cost for a 12 valve , 5 spd trans , t case , drive...

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