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  1. boardbysled

    Sold/Expired 36x13.5 Iroks and 15" Beadlocks

    5x 36x13.50"R15 Super Swamper Iroks and 15x9" 6x5.5" lug DIY beadlocks, 3.5" backspacing. 50-60% tread. One has a blemish on the bead, spare has weather checking, both still hold air fine. PM for my phone number and I can send pictures. $750
  2. boardbysled

    Boardbysled's Budget Buggy Build

    I recently started a new project and figured it was getting far enough along to share. This build will be a budget build reusing many parts from my old rig ( The Pathy). (which is currently still together and I am still wheeling it for the time being. New rig will be lots of tube with just...
  3. boardbysled

    D 300 Front Output Bearing

    Been noticing upon general maintenance that my front output bearing on my D300 is getting sloppy. Can it be replaced without tearing the case down?
  4. boardbysled

    Best in the West 2014

    Anyone know if there will be a Best in the West series this year?
  5. boardbysled

    Tire Vulcanizing in the North Sound

    Anyone know any shops that vulcanize tires north of Seattle?
  6. boardbysled

    My chevy chevy chevy.......

    So, no start issue with my 97 Chevy 2500 5.7l. Yesterday, noticed it was hard to start in the afternoon, but started just fine after it did get started. This morning it started fine until I stopped to get fuel, then wouldn't start at the gas station, cranks over great but no start. I've...
  7. boardbysled

    Trailer manufacturer experience

    Has anyone bought a trailer from these guys? Are they decent built trailers? http:/ http://skagit.craigslist.org/ctd/3729362544.html
  8. boardbysled

    1310 U joints Question

    I am wondering if 1310 u joints and 1310 cv's use the same yoke?
  9. boardbysled

    Olympic NF Proposes OHV Trail System In North Fork Calawah Watershed

    Hmmmm.... very interesting. Might make that part of the state worth visiting for a wheeling trip. http://www.sharetrails.org/node/15238
  10. boardbysled

    Walker Valley Videos

    This thread is for your random Walker Valley Videos that don't have an associated thread.
  11. boardbysled

    97 chev 4wd problems

    1997 Chevy 2500 4wd, 8 lug, sf14 bolt, manual t-case, 4l80e, Vortec 350 I am having problems with the 4wd, as the front end doesn't want to engage. It worked a few times when I bought it and right after, but now will not engage at all. It seemed to engage pretty quickly at first, but the last...
  12. boardbysled

    Bear 2011

    Anyone kill one yet? With the late snow, my usual spots have some snow now and probably won't have berries ripe until late if at all this fall. But, i do have new found access... All the bear I have seen this summer were grazing alongside grassy roads.
  13. boardbysled

    Short KOH 2011 HD Video

  14. boardbysled

    Crazy KOH picture!

  15. boardbysled

    Walker Valley Grants

    Any news on them? Did anyone go to the focus group meeting? Any funding talk from the horses (DNR) mouth?
  16. boardbysled

    Ride Along...

    I'm talking about two kinds: 1: Has anyone invited Mr. Goldmark out for a day in the woods before? I'm talking serious, ride along with a club. 2:Has anyone ever done a ride along with a DNR LEO?
  17. boardbysled

    DNR Funding:

    Lets say DNR Recreation doesn't recieve the funding it needs (whether it be NOVA funds, Federal Funds, or The Pass after this fiscal year? (I think thats the correct term) What does this mean? Does it mean there will be no funding for any recreation? IE: DNR Recreation would start liquidating...
  18. boardbysled

    Johnson Valley Maps

    Here is an awesome map of Johnson Valley with the more traveled trails. Would make an excellent sticky:D
  19. boardbysled

    Pathy Front end Redo

    First off, I'd like to tell you guys that I am a poor and cheap bastard, thus this thread will contain some cheaper parts and some cheaper ways of doing things rather than just buying parts. But, I am gonna try to do everything so that it will last, and that I won't have to tear into it again...
  20. boardbysled

    11/21/10 Walker

    Just planning a trip way early:haha::fawkdancesmiley: Planning on running everything, maybe gettin into some snow up by split rock.:awesomework: 8 AM at Big rock for breakfast, or 9 AM at the main parking lot.

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