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1980 toyota pickup high steer


Aug 13, 2008
Reaction score
Walla Walla, WA
I was looking into putting a high steer kit onto my 1980 and noticed that the steering setup seems different then on the newer toyota pickups, the steering box looks different and it pushs a rod that goes to the back of the axle where as the high steer kits in the pictures shows a steering box that is facing down and the pitman arm is horizontal, on my truck the pitman arm is vertical and swings forward and back. so would i have to replace the steering box to do a high steer???
You'll need a IFS steering box and a mounting kit to go along with that high steer you want to install. I'd highly suggest you read a lot online and search a few 4x boards before you do this.....
You'll need a IFS steering box and a mounting kit to go along with that high steer you want to install. I'd highly suggest you read a lot online and search a few 4x boards before you do this.....

I second that suggestion!!!! If you have to ask if you need a new box, you have alot more to learn before you start taking **** apart:awesomework:

Good luck! Your looking at a solid $300+ to swap to hysteer, check out trailgear.com, marlincrawler.com and allprooffroad.com:beer:
White brothers is over there by you,and they are trail gear dist.They got great deals on the high steer.They could also fill youre scull with some knowledge.
Ya white brothers closed down there trail gear section. I went over there a week or so ago and bought up a bunch of there stuff, it was all discounted 20% but they had just sold their last high steer setup the day before. :mad:
Here's a tip for you.........go to Pirate4x4.com and ask this same question in the toyota section, you should get all the help you need.
Have a good one. :redneck:
buy it and pay someone to do it,its much easyer

Thanks for the tips. I have the shop and the tools and the general fab knowledge I just need to know the in's and outs of toyota trucks. This will be my first build other then my tacoma which didnt really involve any fab work. mainly bolt on stuff. Thanks for all the advice and tips though. I think i know the basic concept. I helped Gotrocks with the SAS on his taco and assisted him with mounting the IFS box onto the frame. I just wasnt sure if there was a diferent way of doing it for older already solid axle trucks. We'll see how it goes. I'll keep you guys posted and i'll probably be back with more questions through out the build!!! :D
you could look at mine,or ask criss he has doen about as many as i have.
it really is very simple.
Basically... push-pull versus cross-over.
One of the sites (trail gear, marlin crawler, all pro, downey, one of them) has a pretty detailed description.