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2003 Yukon Fuel Leak at Crossmember???


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2006
Reaction score
2003 GMC Yukon 4wd, 5.3L, 58k miles...

Wife was driving home last night around 9:00pm and it suddenly died on her, right on the freeway at 70mph. Would not restart. She called me in a tizzy, so I hopped in the truck to go get her. When I got there I immediatly noticed a puddle of raw fuel beneath it shimmering in my headlights, directly below the driver door area. I hit the key to let the fuel pump run, and was greeted with fuel gushing out from below somewhere... Trying to avoid the puddle of fuel, I climbed under with my flashlight to take a peek, and have the leak area narrowed down to somewhere ahead of the tank and before the filter, more or less directly above the crossmember. Being right on the side of the highway, I didn't spend a lot of time under there in the pitch darkness, and we just towed it home.

Any ideas out there as to what may have blown apart? Going to look it over tonight after work, but I'm sitting here at my desk trying to think about what I'm about to get into :mad:
Either the fuel filter, or if its a dual fuel, there is a sensor also in that area...
ive ran into this problem at the shop before on a little bit older chevys never on anything that new but on top of the tranny somewhat on the drivers side where the motor and tranny come together the fuel lines disconnect for engine removal and alot of times the o-rings go bad, i remember the first time i ran into this the gas was running down the frame rail and pooring out under the cab so that threw me for a loop, but anyway that may be your problem just make sure you look ther first.
I could see/touch the filter, and it was dry so I am pretty sure that's not the culprit... It is somewhere further back toward the tank... I am *hoping* that its as simple as a bad o-ring or the like!!

On a related note, my fuel filter struck me as odd because it's threaded on the inlet side, but has a typical EFI pressure connection on the other side. All of the OEM replacement filters I've seen are EFI pressure connections on both sides??? I had looked into replacing the fuel filter at 50k miles and ran across that little issue, but had forgotten about it until just now... Am I looking at the wrong filter or something?!
Winched it into the shop last night and found a connection had come apart where the flex line from the tank meets the hard line at the frame rail. I could not see it, but I could feel my way around and from what I could make out, it's a typical EFI pressure connector, so I have no earthly idea how it could have seperated??? To say the least, I'm concerned that it may happen again? For now, I snapped it back together and no leaks after a spirited test drive, but WTF????
Welcome to my world :haha:

What style is it(because there is more than one). Is it the type with the built in lock or the plastic removable lock?
I have no idea? I'll *try* to explain what I could feel (remember I could not see it)...

The flex line coming from the tank had the female connection. It would not rotate on the line, and had two holes 180-degrees out that apparently engage the other end that was on the hard line.

The hard line had a plastic feeling thingy (like my tech?!) that would rotate around the hard line, but would not come off. There were ears on it that would open/close freely with my fingers as I tried to pull it off, and then realized it wouldn't.

In my mind I envisioned a female coupler on the flex line, and then this plastic contraption on the hard line slips inside and engages the holes in the female casing...

So, I spun it around until it properly engaged the female end, and heard/felt a *click* as it went back together. I tugged and tugged and could not get it to seperate again, and when I ran it there was no more leaking... Still kind of scares me that we might be in line for a car-b-que here????

Does that help at all, Crash? I am desperately searching for a comfort level here before I send my wife/kids off in this damn thing again...
Ok, lets see if if I get this right. Since you cannot see them--I am going to assume you are talking like on the front edge of the tank(on top)?

If so those lines are locked into place by plastic clips. Its quite possible the tank has been out (those are where you disco. the lines to pull the tank) and the line not fully locked in to place. with that style there are 2 ears that have to "click" into place. Unless you are familiar, or pay attention its quite possible to get only one side of the clip locked in. After some time, road vibrations and so on, the clip can disengage and end up where you are.
Yes, in front of the tank, and before filter. Makes perfect sense that this particular connection would be for dropping the tank given it's location and such... So you think that if I can triple ensure both ears are fully engaged, there is really no "safety issue" to be concerned with here? I can definetly see what you are saying if both ears do not engage, so I can live with that explanation of why it happened... Just want to make sure there isn't something I need to be replacing or repairing to ensure it doesn't happen again? I am confident I can put it back together properly, so I am just double checking...

FWIW, I could feel both ears engaged in the female coupler after pushing it back together and hearing the click...

***EDIT*** I just re-re-read your post above: are you saying the flex line should be secured on location by a plastic clip or something on the frame or xmember? That would make sense, as it would help ensure the connection can't back apart (like mine apparently did :booo: )... If that's not what you mean, I may try to come up with something to do just that.
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I was referring to the clip that retains the fuel lines together. If you can ensure both clips are engaged, you are golden and I would not worry about it. I have yet to see a fully seated clip to just pop off.