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4 stroke snow machines


That nice azzhole
Mar 27, 2006
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So whats the verdict??? Im watching sno-cross and theres a 4 stroke in there, First time ive seen one.
I dont know about the snowmachines but in PWC's I havent been impressed, my old 2 stroke can keep up with and sometimes out run the new 4 strokes. The forced induction ones are another story though.
Bunk said:
So whats the verdict??? Im watching sno-cross and theres a 4 stroke in there, First time ive seen one.

Yes, this is Yamaha's return to snowcross year. The first team/company to race 4 strokes. I dont know much about the sled yet as yamaha has been kina seceretive about them but I know the only race they did last year was on a chopped up vector. Testing last spring was done on modified phazers but I am yet to see the specs on the new sno-crosser. They have Robbie Malinoski as there top rider right now so it will be interesting to see how he does on a 4 stroke. I await next year, when stock class changes from 440cc to 600cc to see the new cat sno-x machine. I myself have never ridden a 4 stroke sled, I love my 140hp 700 twin in my M7, not a real tourquey engine, but it screams in the mid/top end. The new 800 twins in this years M's are sposed to have way more bottom end. The only person I know who owned a 4 stroke bought a yamaha apex mtn the first year they came out. He rode it 3 times and sold it and bought a 900 1M Arctic Cat. Said it was crazy fast on the trails, but was a absolute tank in the pow. I am not about to give up my 2 stroke anytime soon, I like that it's a snapy little engine that produces big power (my race sled is a 500cc and makes 105hp and weighs 425lbs) yet to see those power-to-weight ratios in a 4 stroke sled.
ya 4 strokes got power if you spend the cash the rx1-ton and apex rip.. but you have to spend alot.. imo if i had the money i would drop my mod triple and pick one up but when it comes to racing i think they are two heavy... but those damn turbo's rip it up in the deep stuff:flipoff:
Everything would be fine if they'd just put a highpower inline 4cylinder streetbike motor in them... :super:
Kewl, Ive always been a 2-stroke fan(Owned 2 RZ-350's) so i'll find me a 700-800 for my first snowmachine..I just hate the rings going out every year..Maybee the street bike thing made the rings go quicker.
Never had a problem with rings on any of my sleds. I had 3800 miles on my 98 ZR 600 with no problems with the engine.
TB-F said:
Never had a problem with rings on any of my sleds. I had 3800 miles on my 98 ZR 600 with no problems with the engine.

So the powerband never went away?? Also, I figure i should ask..what would a good first sled be? I want something too powerfull so i can grow into it. FWIW im a yamaha fan but i want something reliable.
Tankota said:
Everything would be fine if they'd just put a highpower inline 4cylinder streetbike motor in them... :super:

I thought the apex had a souped up Genesis motor, which was the motor they had in thestreet bikes? correct me if im wrong
Bunk said:
So the powerband never went away?? Also, I figure i should ask..what would a good first sled be? I want something too powerfull so i can grow into it. FWIW im a yamaha fan but i want something reliable.

You'r gona be surprised at the power of a 500/600 if you'v never riden a sled before, sleds just plain get up and move, not what you would expect to do on snow. For a good first sled, and yourself beeing a yamaha fan, I would look for a 2001 or newer yamaha mountian max 700. Came with a 141" track with 2" padles and a 700 triple. Now myself not being a yamaha sled fan at all, I like arctic cats, (FYI snowmobilers have to be the most brand-loyal people ever) I would sugjest if you can aford it getting a 2005 or newer M7. Mine is the nicest mtn sled I have ever ridden, lays over nice in the pow, lots o power, light, looks cool and handles trails well too. Next on my list would be any year ski-doo summit REV. The REV chasis is excelent and they come in displacements from 550 fan to 1000 twin. I would ride a REV if cat hadnt come out with the M's. ski-doo is the only other brand of sled I have ever had, I had a 2000 summit 700. It was a good sled, rode nice but I broke the hell out of it rather quickly. Let me just say TRAILING-ARM FRONT SUSPENSION SUCKS!!!! avoid it if at all posible, but it wont be easy, all sleds except cats had trailing arm front suspension untill 2003, when cat's A arm patent ran out. Hope I have helped:D
Tankota said:
Everything would be fine if they'd just put a highpower inline 4cylinder streetbike motor in them... :super:

I believe yamaha's first 4 stroke sled, the R1 had a R1 streetbike motor in it, but I might be mistaken. The major problem with high reving (9500 and over) engines in sleds is that you start to overdrive the clutches, wich are desined to work from about 3800rpm to about 9000rpm Even the 2 stroke engines that are in sleds now will rev up way higher than they do, but you just get in to the overdriving the clutch stage then. rpm is ajusted with the clutch weights to somewhere around 8500-8800 rpm for max performance. The new phazers rev to just over 12000 rpm. To fix the clutching problem, yamaha put a lil gear reduction unit on the side of the engine to get the r's going to the clutch down to 8500rpm while letting the engine sing away at 12k. This is the only sled to ofer this sofar. The phazer engine is literaly 2 yzf250 engines joined togeather (more or less)
Well if too much is just enough get the M1000. If price is an issue, get the M8. Forget all the other brands... The new Yamaha Phazer is pretty cool for a 4 stroke, but under powered. Ski0Doo has its own issues and I wont own one. Polaris,, well ther kinda like Chevys... everybody has one..
Phat 40 said:
Polaris,, well ther kinda like Chevys... everybody has one..

:haha: :haha: ha ha! and there piles, just like chevys!

Man it's painfull to see cat teamed with chevy:rolleyes:

Get a M1000 and then order D&D's 1200 kit for it. Then ad boondocker nitrous. mmmmm.... nitrous.:clappy: Should be good for well over 200hp:D
I picked up a M8 162 at the beginning of Dec and am loving it. Haven't started the mods yet (except for bar risers and left throttle) and will probably wait until next year. Has a Suzuki motor and reverse which is nice to have. Only have about 130 miles on it so far so it's not broke in yet, but it rips and feels real light and is easy to maneuver. Without a swaybar it's pretty darty on trials, but trails are only there to get you to the good stuff and different ski should help that. Last Thursday up at Kachess was frickin awesome. :clappy:
TB-F said:
:haha: :haha: ha ha! and there piles, just like chevys!

Man it's painfull to see cat teamed with chevy:rolleyes:

Get a M1000 and then order D&D's 1200 kit for it. Then ad boondocker nitrous. mmmmm.... nitrous.:clappy: Should be good for well over 200hp:D

I do bellieve you were somewhat impressed by my Polaris', weren't you senor Ethan? The new for 07 polaris IQ chassis is something special, they took all the weight off of the last years and redesigned the cooling to keep the sled light all day. I also had a 4-stroke sled a Yamaha Apex, and a 2002 mountain max 700. The Apex was silly fast and powerful, but a dry weight of 605 pounds made for a ready-to-ride sled of 700 lbs!!!!! I was not enough man to dig me and my wife out all day with that heavy a$$ sh!t! So I replaced them with two of the lightest mountain sleds out there: 07 Polaris 600HO RMK 155" track 472lbs dry. The difference is unreal, like picking up a sled vs. lifting a sled with someone sitting on it! My advice get newer and get LIGHT, light makes right! M7, M8 from Arctic Cat, RMK 600HO or 700 dragon (or 800 next year) from Polaris, Summit 800 from Ski-Doo, Yamaha Phazer with a turbo if you really want a 4stroke. Basically all the new 6, 7, 800cc mountain sleds from Ski-doo, AC, or Polaris are really good sleds and under 500 llbs, great power to weight ratios. When you step up to the big bores i.e. 900,1000, there is only one really that is the AC M1000 the others are way heavier and like I said, light makes right!
Trailtoy1993 said:
I do bellieve you were somewhat impressed by my Polaris', weren't you senor Ethan? The new for 07 polaris IQ chassis is something special, they took all the weight off of the last years and redesigned the cooling to keep the sled light all day. I also had a 4-stroke sled a Yamaha Apex, and a 2002 mountain max 700. The Apex was silly fast and powerful, but a dry weight of 605 pounds made for a ready-to-ride sled of 700 lbs!!!!! I was not enough man to dig me and my wife out all day with that heavy a$$ sh!t! So I replaced them with two of the lightest mountain sleds out there: 07 Polaris 600HO RMK 155" track 472lbs dry. The difference is unreal, like picking up a sled vs. lifting a sled with someone sitting on it! My advice get newer and get LIGHT, light makes right! M7, M8 from Arctic Cat, RMK 600HO or 700 dragon (or 800 next year) from Polaris, Summit 800 from Ski-Doo, Yamaha Phazer with a turbo if you really want a 4stroke. Basically all the new 6, 7, 800cc mountain sleds from Ski-doo, AC, or Polaris are really good sleds and under 500 llbs, great power to weight ratios. When you step up to the big bores i.e. 900,1000, there is only one really that is the AC M1000 the others are way heavier and like I said, light makes right!

This is true. You'r RMK was the first polaris I have ridden and liked. Not to the point of running out and buying one but a far far far cry from the older chasis polarisis I have ridden. I will take the handling of my M7 over the RMK any day, but I would take the RMK over a AWS V cat chasis as well:; Basicly newer=better.