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Rock bouncing mud whomper
Mar 25, 2007
Reaction score
Huntsville, Al
Can i bitch in here bout some stupid **** that happen today? (those that were at Koth got a text)
If im wrong, please correct me.

Ok, My buddy competing in the limited small class had cut a tire on his 1st run. We borrowed it from jpcrawler that was also in our class.
Jpcrawler had 1st in the class all day with like 6 mins..


Towards the end of the day around 4:30 there was 5 rig left to run. BUGGY MIKE, Single seater from dayton, Ac, some b-class jeep, and my buddy was last in line. Well, Buggy mike went and rolled his **** and it took bout 20 mins for recovery.

Next in line was the single seater, he left the line and ended up takin the lead. Ac was next iirc, he went and got second by .5 of a sec.
Well, as soon as Ac`s run was over, he hauled ass back to the startn line to go again..

IIRC, the guy in the B-class rig told sombody to let Adam back in to go again. He did and was still unable to take the lead.

The time now is like 4:57, the b-class rig does his run.

Now, granted its past 5:00 but we are talking a min or so. The judges had been saying that they were goin to stop racing at 5:00 I spoke to one of the Officials and told em we had been in line and we were goin to run.

We did and took over 1st in the A-class.. As soon as we crossed the finish line, You could hear Big Al, shane and the rest of thier bunch yellin at the judges sayin that run shouldnt count, they getn cheated outtat 1st blah blah blah blah

They acted really stupid bout the whole situation. And remember that this is sum run what ya briung back woods for fun rock race...

Well, apparently they bitched enough that Adam gave up his 2nd place money to to make em so theyd shut up. and RCRC made my buddy split 1st place with with jpcrawler as well.

ANd to beat all, jpcrawler came up to us right after we ran and told us quote, " i want that ****in tire off that ****in jeep cuz im ****in leavin".... I mean no class at all.. Affter all this , i will never go back to Choccolocco mtn to support these fawkers again
I was the person that went over and asked him if AC could jump ahead of him and take his last run. I had no idea what his situation was. I was just trying to get another chance for AC. I was yelling at AC that he had 45 seconds to make it to the line. They were plugging a tire and adding air. He knew I was asking for the spot. He also knew it was 45 seconds till 5PM.

My only beef, and I don't have a dog in this fight, if that once that let him leave the starting line, they were obligated to count the time. If they wanted to bitch, they should have gone to the starting line and bitched that is was after 5PM and he should not be allowed to run. That did not happen.
John Galbreath Jr. said:
I was the person that went over and asked him if AC could jump ahead of him and take his last run. I had no idea what his situation was. I was just trying to get another chance for AC. I was yelling at AC that he had 45 seconds to make it to the line. They were plugging a tire and adding air. He knew I was asking for the spot. He also knew it was 45 seconds till 5PM.

My only beef, and I don't have a dog in this fight, if that once that let him leave the starting line, they were obligated to count the time. If they wanted to bitch, they should have gone to the starting line and bitched that is was after 5PM and he should not be allowed to run. That did not happen.

And that was kewl John, id let him get back in line too and not thought twice about it.

Yeah, My buddy that was near the finish line said that they didnt start bitching till we were crossing the finish line. ::)
That is dead on JP. As soon as it was announced that your buddy won the A class I heard Big Al and those guys go nuts and start bitchin. The funny part is jpcrawler was nice to us all day and even let us borrow some fluid. I was surprised they acted like that. I lost a lot of respect for AL, he showed his ass a lot and I will not support his biz and will probaby stay away from Choccolo also.

Oh and BTW the custom exhaust that he did for me that would clear my suspension, and was so awesome as he said, is beat to fawk as it does not clear the **** it is supposed to.... I even showed it to him yesterday and he blew it off...
Yeah Matt, it was chickenshit how that group acted.

I mean, i was glad jpcrawler let us borrow the tire, but to come up to us and tell us to take that ****in tire off... i mean come awn, grow the **** up already.
eh... RCRC is prolly the best to blame, but i would of raised as much hell if they didnt let us run....

IN all, its just showed how that group(Big Al, Shane ect) is. I will not ride with any of them again.
Couple of things. The guy in the red jeep was trying to beat Garry's time. Garry already had permission to go around the other guy. I had my stop watch on leaning in the side of Garry's Jeep. When he had not turned the corner at the top to come down and was within 30 seconds of Garry's time, I asked him to back out of the way. I walked over to the guy and asked if AC could take Garry's place in front of him, he said yes and nodded his head. He had his helmet on and I don't know if I know him or not. When he said yes, I yelled at AC to get to the line.

There are no rules that need to be changed. 5PM is 5PM. If the guy had not wanted AC to go ahead, all he had to do was pull forward 10 feet to the line and told me no.

As to Chocco Mtn, I did not think Al was an owner. Certainly don't boycot as park due to who rides there.
I wont go and support choccoloc because that is thier stompin grounds and i will not hang around people that are goin to act the way they did. They gave a bad image to all of us that were there in the eyes of spectators..

RCRC should of stopped us. They didnt and that is thier mistake.

Also, i wouldnt wanted to be the guys that would tell you and Ac no. Granted its all in fun, but that is somthing i couldnt do. :****:
Matt O. said:
Oh and BTW the custom exhaust that he did for me that would clear my suspension, and was so awesome as he said, is beat to fawk as it does not clear the **** it is supposed to.... I even showed it to him yesterday and he blew it off...

did i say i told you so or not??? if not, i told you so... :flipoff1: :flipoff1: :flipoff1:
I know jimmy, I did not have time to get it to you though. For what I cost me it should of been made of gold. Lesson learned...

They acted like a bunch of classless necks yesterday, that is no damn doubt. Like Daniel said the guy in the red jeep ran no **** 10 times. I think maybe RCRC should say that anybody in line at 5pm can run. Put a cone after the last one in line at 5pm and be done with it....
Matt O. said:
Put a cone after the last one in line at 5pm and be done with it....

That is a good idea.. I will run it by them because they are wanting our opinions on what would make it better,
Get a different spokes person. My head is still killing me..... I have learned now that rocks has moss, watch out for little trees jumping up at you and poison ivy is every where... Make a loop around the course and allow spectators on each side of the course.

Just listen the the videos I post the guy really talked too much....
A) 5:00 is 5:00--- RCRC should have someway of monitoring this and do a better job at it. Watch who is waiting and who is line jumping. :driving:
B) Don't boycott a park cause of other people because that hurts the owner who is a great guy. Whether the locals are there or not, we need to show the park support, whether it be Grayrock, Mountainside, Choccolocco or wherever. Don't let it spoil a good thing or it will catch like wild fire. :eek:
C) A lot of alcohol was consumed by all that day and I am sure if Dale Jr. was there, people would be bitchin cause he was wearing Wranglers and not Levi's or some **** like that. :flipgotcha:
D) I think that the course for the KOTH is now extremely unfair for all classes. They have lost touch of what it means. It is now the KOTC (King Of The Crawlers) To make the small tire class run the same course is rediculous and unfair. The tight turns has eliminated the big tire whopmping rigs from being able to show their stuff. We can't make the tight turns without rear steer as well as some of the smaller rigs no matter what without beating the holy crap out of our metal and being DQ'd cause you backed up to far. ie, Gary, and others. I watched a clean Ford Ranger destroy itself trying to navigate a well placed tree because he did not have room enough to turn and back up and then it was all over except for the grinding. This comp was originally based upon the simple term, KING OF THE HILL. I will never beat guys like AC, John G, and other single seat rigs, the way mine is set up, so why try to kill my stuff over that? Then again, they might think the same of mine. (LOL) But the format needs to change one way or another. I like the idea of 2 flags, 1 straight up one side and about 100 yards over, another flag going straight up. At the top, a marker that you need to go around or be monitored by, then balls to the walls down and finish. You still need to pick a line and hopefully you choose right, but you still need to be timed. This would allow each and every driver the chance to make the right decision or die by it. The original course was much wider open and let you choose multiple lines as most of you saw, I CHOSE THE WRONG ONE'S. My badd, but never did I complain as I broke or was clocked by a calendar. Oh well, my .002 :****:

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