If its free, its P

John Galbreath Jr. said:Yea, saw it on Pirate. Lucky no one was killed.
minesbigger said:i hit stuff hard but the way some guys are "driving" these days
most of it is having something to prove by trying to have a bigger more powerful engine than the last guy and all they do is kinda aim at the top and hold on
at these parks it aint gonna be long till someones wife or kid watching cant get outta the way and end up dead
ive seen rigs scatter the crowd at the top of cable many times
trying to get up something at 20-30 mph one wrong bounce and in a split second its all gone wrong
we ALL do stupid **** but how much longer and how much hardcore can this **** get before .......
it used to be ride a trail play on some rocks ,keep cruisin, now its go to a park drive 75ft to a ledge in a rig you can barely fit in let alone wanna drive all day and beat the piss out of it a full throttle uncontrolable speeds
i know it draws crowds, cheers, nutswingin, and inflated egos , hell im guilty of loving all that too, but its gonna have to calm down or else...
just my .02...........flame away if im wrong
Matt O. said:I think it is funny that the "new" jimmy smith buggy doesn't even fit the owner. Dude is all fat guy in a little coat in it. No shoulder or arm room. Those guys in those stupid tight rigs are going to get themselves hurt if they don't watch it
Rescue1 said:As a spectator you have to keep your mind set on what is going on around you. I to enjoy the ROCK BOUNCING and high horsepower engines but I always leave myself a way out especially when I have my 11 year old son with me. I see alot of people just letting there kids or wives run free and it pisses me off to no end when it happens. They(kids) have no idea what the hell is going on and are not paying enuff attention and if left along will eventally get hurt. The drivers of the rigs do just about the best they can do when there driving them but one wrong bounce or a part failure and you can't controll the out of control. I believe it is not only up to the drive to have the sense anuff to know when to say when but the spectater to know when the hell to move back and let the drive do what he has to do to complet the obstacle.
I maybe wrong in saying all this but it is just the way I feel about it so if I'm let me have it too.
Matt O. said:I think it is funny that the "new" jimmy smith buggy doesn't even fit the owner. Dude is all fat guy in a little coat in it. No shoulder or arm room. Those guys in those stupid tight rigs are going to get themselves hurt if they don't watch it
Very true. If you have to take off running then you are too close to the action. If you fall down you are hurt. And in most cases the driver can't stop even if he seen you. Just watch the videos on youtube at WITC coming up Twister 3 about 100 people standing at the exit of the trail. And I am at fault as I have done the same thing, but back up as soon as they start hammering on it.