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Aetna Tuesday Night - Wes Rolls and Catches Fire


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2010
Went to Aetna this evening to watch Wes and Tyler climb a few hills. About halfway up the mountain Tylers steering pump took a **** so we decided to go a little further up the mountain and watch Wes try and climb a hill on the side of the mountain thats never been climbed. It was really dry, so he had a good chance at climbing it (even with a bone stock 351w). After a few tries he rolled over and caught on fire so we headed home. The video is a little fuzzy because it was almost dark. Might try to get some more video of it tomorrow evening if we can get up there a little earlier.

??? Hill

I stopped filming for a second to try and help out but then turned my camera back on

New Hill
wow...glad it was taken care of quickly! fire in a rig like that is my worst fear.....

either the video quality makes that motor sound like crap or something is wrong..............but then again it does have a ford motor in it. :****:
techtafab said:
was the motor hitting on all 8 ?
sounds like **** ! or is that just a ford thing :dunno:

no, it wasnt hitting on all 8.. he runs it with two plug wires off because there isnt much competetion around the southeast....
Standefer said:
no, it wasnt hitting on all 8.. he runs it with two plug wires off because there isnt much competetion around the southeast....
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lol, thanks for your input miss cameron.. you made me a promise that aetna was going to be your first stop when yours gets done.. please call us!!! we are ready!!! talk to you later man =P
Standefer said:
lol, thanks for your input miss cameron.. you made me a promise that aetna was going to be your first stop when yours gets done.. please call us!!! we are ready!!! talk to you later man =P
ive never been on a steep hill so i may jus come ride with u ! thumb.gif
Standefer said:
lol, thanks for your input miss cameron.. you made me a promise that aetna was going to be your first stop when yours gets done.. please call us!!! we are ready!!! talk to you later man =P
Sounds like you may be a bigger fan than the other guy :gay: :gtfo: