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Am I the only one who doesn't give a **** about LCQ / KOH?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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I mean, I think its neat and all and I wish all the racers the best, but am I the only one who sees all the money going into the rigs and thinks that its insane given the current economy and potential payout? Am I the only one who thinks that the exorbitant amount of time and bandwidth that people are spending talking about it on every board is stupid? I mean, people are obsessing about it to the point of obsurdity IMO!

It got so insane last year that when I posted a jokingly critical thread about it on pirate it was deleted within 5 mins by a mod! Not that I care, but is it really important to the point of justifying censorship? If so, maybe Obama should include KOH in his stimulus package because I know some of the folks dumping their life savings into their rigs to keep up with the $200k rigs like Shannon's are going to need some foreclosure help soon!

I'd have fun doing it, don't get me wrong. But I wouldn't build a new rig every year for it, much less a $200k new rig every year!

Oh well, maybe I'm just getting too old and level-headed to appreciate it properly ...

J. J.
It is stupid and out of control, but it is doing what the promoters put out to do and that's make something BIG and off the hook. I am going of course to help out a friend of mine and plus I can finally go to JV where I had been invited a few times when I had a rig, but no $$ or time. Kind of the best of both worlds for me personally.

I agree it's stupid $$ being spent for bragging rights. I prefer trail riding personally
The people that go will have fun. It's alot of $ but at the same time what better week to go out and do trail-riding than the week before when the "who's who" of rocksports are all out...

I flat out don't have the cash to make it happen and cannot justify going into debt to go out there, so I'll be sittin in my cubicle staring at excel spreadsheets while you all are havin' fun.
Yeah I think it is nuts also. I spent a little on mine, not much really when you consider the parts I sold off and the sponsor help I got. I have kinda added a few items at the end that I didn't need, but thought were cool. For the most part it is just good maintenance and upkeep items. I don't know how people do this ****, there is no money in it. Most folks are trying to keep up with the Jones's and say they have his or that part. The best part is all the people that have spenk 50k+ on this race and are not even ready! All that money, no seat or shakedown time, not really a good idea to me, especially when you tear down or sell a perfectly good rig just to redo it. ::)

I am glad I will get to wheel the hammers. I plan to make the most out of the trip and wheel as much as possible
i just want you to know you just opened a can of worms "talkin bad about KOH" people on here are going over board to laughing1

just joking
I am flying out there to watch. My rig is getting hauled out so I can wheel JV that week. The way we are doing it is cheaper than I could ever get my rig out there to wheel, plus I get to see the biggest race in what we are all passionate about. I think if you do not acknowledge that this is good for the sport and will do nothing but have a positive, impact then you are being closed minded. Not trying to sound like a ****, just the way I see it. thumb.gif
I guess I'm so rabid over it cause I'm involved.
scratch that, last year I sat in front of my comp all day and was glued. Don't know why. moth to flame. I think its great people with more money than me want to spend all of it on that race. won't catch me doing it. I've slowly saved a couple hundred over the last 5 months and will go out and meet all of the kids who are anyone in the sport and hopefully come home with new experiences, friendships and if luck has it, business connections that will help me down the line.
If you're involved in rock sports, its kind of the super bowl. (although to be in this you don't have to be a winner :flipgotcha: laughing1 molaugh)
bigsilly said:
I think if you do not acknowledge that this is good for the sport and will do nothing but have a positive, impact then you are being closed minded.

I disagree. If everyone jumped off a bridge because they were all brain-washed into thinking it was good for the human race, I still wouldn't think it was good for the human race no matter how close-minded you called me. :) I see a lot of people who are going to be in a hurt financially spending tons of money on toys in an economy that is loosing over half a million jobs monthly trying to hang with the big dogs from a spending perspective with almost no chance in hell of gaining any of it back as a result of the race. How is that good for rock crawling as a sport ... is there so many of us that we need pruning?

Again, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe all these folks who are spending all this money really are just that rich and really do have 100% job security in this economy. Maybe some of these folks I see jumping off that financial bridge really have lifelines attached that I can't see because I'm just too far away. I'll tell you this though, I run a sucessful restaurant owned by my parents. One of about 15 in a town that had about 45 a year ago. We've survived the big pruning (thank god) but even I don't consider my job 100% secure in this economic climate.

J. J.
Stupid people are everywhere! Not just in this race. People buy houses that they cant afford. People run up credit card debt that they cant afford. People get in over their head all the time, financially speaking. If someone wants to spend money on a race, that they cant afford to spend, thats their problem. I am not involved in it because, for one reason, I cant afford it. I will be out there though to do some wheelin' and watch some really cool rigs. I personally think the event as a whole is really exciting and the race itself is great for the sport.
Has anyone else gotten the feeling that it is going to be a complete cluster out there? There are going to be ALOT of people out there in a place with no designated roads, speed limits,rules, police(?) etc. I hope the drama is low and people are safe but that is too many people not to have its share of dumbasses out there. I hope for the best to all the competitors and bystanders but I keep getting a feeling something bad is going to happen, I hope I'm wrong.
well its not just this race but this sport is gettin out there with the amount people spend me included
a rig that costs anywhere from 10-100k, a trailer, a tow rig,..etc plus the cost of a weeked just at your local park
jeez i want a government bailout so i can update my rig and keep riding :****:
Guess I'm a sheep because I built a new rig for it. :wtflol:

News flash for every one!!!!!!!!

We get to take these vehicles home after we are done with the race. :****:

With the exception of the bypasses I have built the buggy that I have had in my head for over a year now. KOH did make me get off my ass and get it done. It is expensive no doubt. But I have saved enough through sponsorships to pay my way out there and all of that. These are parts I was going to have to buy. No if ands or buts. Many companies set me up as a dealer which is good for long term business. I am in it for the trill of the race just as much as I am for a business move. Its just a gamble I decided to take and I am going through with it all the way.

Did I spend a lot of money on it? Hell yes. Have I thought about this economy? Hell yes.

I'll just say that I am living out one of my dreams. If I keep shooting for the stars at least I will land at the moon.
Adam, you had to build one cause you didn't have one!!! It is funny how motivation to spend money and put in hours of work happens!

I think there were a lot of super nice rig that were taken apart or sold, just to build something else. I bet we see a bunch for sale down the road when people realize what they have done! :flipoff1:
I see your point, I don't see what all the hoopla is about myself. I could not afford to run anything in it if it was already built and loaded up, ready to go. Same with TTC. On the other hand, I like seeing people spending money on the sport. I've said it numorous times, wheeling is cheap. I went to 3 shops yesterday in mooresville/huntersville where all the nascar teams are at. They are full of high dollar parts that those teams use a few times, and swap them out for new ones. There are also smaller shops everywhere down there that race in lower clases, with $250,000 tow rigs parked parked outside. Most of them have 2 or more cars, and more money in spare parts than most have in buggys. Same with boats, bikes, sand cars, real desert racing and don't even look at a ****ing airplane if your worried about money. KOH ain't **** compared to any weekend at any decent sized drag stip or circle track.
Matt O. said:
Adam, you had to build one cause you didn't have one!!! It is funny how motivation to spend money and put in hours of work happens!

I think there were a lot of super nice rig that were taken apart or sold, just to build something else. I bet we see a bunch for sale down the road when people realize what they have done! :flipoff1:

No doubt Matt but I could have gotten the UBKON race ready and done the race and been fine. But your right I have wanted a rig of my own for a while now.

There will be some good deals out there maybe because I think KOH rigs will make awesome trail rigs.
your right this could be worse
ive talked with a local drag racer who competes nationally and he talkes about trashing a 20k engine like it aint ****
and i know the guy who races for titan motersports personally and he talks about the cash they dump

all the rigs ive seen goin are badass and i will never have anything like that
i mean we kinda put the buggy we are building aside due to funds and lack of motivation

more power and good luck and safe traveling and racing to all who are and can afford to go to koh and race/compete anywhere anytime
ill just stick to the sidelines and pleasure beating with my rig :driving: