There are about +/- 5000 electrical crews working to restore the power in S LA. We are assisting in fueling all of the electrical crews. Lots of power outages between Baton Rouge and Houma. If I rememer correctly 2,000,000 people were without power. Several main transmission lines were also destroyed. There was also some structural damage but most of it was caused from falling trees. I drove from BR to Houma the other day on Hwy 1 and it was overwelming the number of HUGE oak trees that were pushed over.
You dont hear about it in the media because, with the exception of New Orleans, the majority of the folks in LA don't expect handouts. They take care of their own business. They don't have the time or the desire to bitch to the media about what the government is not doing. They are too busy working, getting their lives back to normal.