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Any flooring experts in here?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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I'm tearing up some linoleum flooring in my kitchen to lay tile. The plastic layer of the linoleum is coming up easily but leaving a paper/glue layer underneath that is a mother ****er to get up. a 4" razor scraper can get underneath it and get most of it up but its a very slow, tedious process. I'm told not to use any chemicals as they could affect the adhesion of the thin set later on. I've read that soaking overnight in water and dish soap can help but I don't have a day to play with it to see. Anyone got any tricks? it is a cement slab underneath.
I've used a electric scraper with handles onto get old glue off of concrete. Works ok done this on a factory floor. It has a wide blade and wheels
when people get a bid to do this kind of work and think that it is to high and they can save some money and do it there self. this is why it's that high, quit whining and get to work. :flipoff1:
I'd just go by a Home Depot to pick up a Messican or two and let them have at it while you straw boss supervise them.
If you gona be laying tile you need to put down concrete board which in turn covers up all the glue.

If you really want it up I took a grinder turned the fan on and went to work on my moms bathroom when she wanted her floor redone.
X3 on grinder with twisted wire brush, or go rent a floor scraper tool. I hate having to do the manual labor bs way on projects.
Is it on concrete or ply wood I would get up the werse up an lay over it do it every day
I used to work for a restoration company and we would usually cut the underlayment out on situations like yours, if it's on concrete you could put water on out for a few days, almost all the glue is water soluable.
Re: Re: Any flooring experts in here?

Mek and a floor scraper did the trick. I quickly realized the floor needed leveling so I went and got some expensive self leveling **** from Lowes. I followed the instructions to a t yet it didn't work worth a **** and I ended up scraping half off it off and throwing it away. The other half dried before I could get it up so now I have to get a professional out here to fix it all. What a pain.

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Re: Re: Any flooring experts in here?

When was the linoleum installed? Did you get it checked for asbestos? We remove allot of linoleum where the lower layers asbestos, and it is a pain to get up.

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Any flooring experts in here?

calvinXJ said:
When was the linoleum installed? Did you get it checked for asbestos? We remove allot of linoleum where the lower layers asbestos, and it is a pain to get up.

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House was built in 88 so no older than that. I think they had asbestos all figured out by then so I wasn't worried about it.

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