I'm not sure how a feel about this new product yet. Like others here, I'm unsure of its value in the 14B market. It looked cool at Moab and appeared especially impressive compared to a 9".
Traditionally, the 14B has been used as a full width axle on cheap/heavy rigs since it's pretty easy to find them for about $50. Up here we don't really have the full size off road market seen in other areas (some, but nothing to compared to others). Down south it's very common to see an 80's or early 90's 4dr K3500s stripped down and made into a cabtruck. Throw a locker in up front, weld the rear and you're good for a set of 44s. The 14B hasn't been a huge success in the cut to width market due its size and weight.
Most up here consider the HP 60 the best option and UP HERE, it usually is. In other areas where tire sizes are still growing because of the wheeling geography, rear HP 60s are getting torn up and people are looking for stronger high clearance options. Expect to see a new 60 product on the market soon that will utilize the new Super 60 gears that are significantly larger and stronger than normal 60 gears.
Good 4340 35 sp shafts are usually strong enough to handle big tires but 40 sp shafts are becoming more available all the time. CTM is getting side gears rebroached to make Dana 80s with 40 sp shafts. I could easily see them doing the same to a 30sp 14B side gear.
Time will tell but I don't see this as a huge seller in our off road market. Comp buggie guys could use it but that's a very small part of the market. It could gain a following in the trophy truck market that is current using 11" custom 9" centers (yeah- I know that doesn't make much sense). IIRC the current market price is about $3500 for a spooled 3rd with gears. If the new 14B can better this price and provide the racers with the gear ratios they need, this new product may be the answer.