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Anyone get your oil tested?


Usually that has to sent off to be analyzed. Takes approx one week. I dont know where you are located but in Aurora,Or at Exit 278 There is a SpeedCo and they have an oil analyzer. I get my oil changed there for my Big Rig and have it done every other change.
The analyzer at SpeedCo is not as broken down as the mailed off type.
Take it to a Caterpillar dealer. run ya about $20 and they can e-mail you the results.:beer:
Enough to fill a 35mm film canaster would be more than enough.
Try not to get any dirt in it. It will really change your results.
So in other words... A BAD can-o-worms

I wouldn't say that.. all of those liquids at once turned into 35's, 20's, studs, twins, gears, limited slip and traction bars... :cheer:

Now if only I could figure out why I was 25 days late on the last house payment....
btw if that place doesn't work out for ya. One of the guys over on the Bombers is absolutely meticulous with his Ram and tests ever single oil change. He's got a couple places that he chooses to go to. I can find out which ones they are.
I wouldn't say that.. all of those liquids at once turned into 35's, 20's, studs, twins, gears, limited slip and traction bars... :cheer:

Now if only I could figure out why I was 25 days late on the last house payment....

Mmmmmmm... Studs and twins :drool:

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