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Anyone here know these idiots?

Pokey mayb best for this since hes been around longer than father time. But i would imagine that somewhere theirs a rule/law about the size of tree that can be winched off or hooked to?. Gota love Elbe thats not a problem.
Pokey mayb best for this since hes been around longer than father time. But i would imagine that somewhere theirs a rule/law about the size of tree that can be winched off or hooked to?. Gota love Elbe thats not a problem.

I think its more common sense than anything. But it can also boil down to how to properly recover a vehicle.

There have been times I have had to hook to smaller than desirable trees. Go to the very base of it and watch it closely.
You can use more then one tree too. Spread the load out. All it takes is a tow strap and a couple of shackles.

Good things from the video- The guy with the winch didnt drive around the bridge to pull from the back side. He could have driven thru the mud/sensitive area and caused more damage that way.

Bad things- to many to list.
I agree...

But, my opinion doesn't count...:rolleyes:

Of course your opinion matters just as everyones does but as Mods we sometimes have to make decissions that may not be popular with everyone. You dont have to like it, understand it or even respect it I guess but you do have to live with it. Remember its just the internet :redneck:
Pokey mayb best for this since hes been around longer than father time. But i would imagine that somewhere theirs a rule/law about the size of tree that can be winched off or hooked to?. Gota love Elbe thats not a problem.

I think its more common sense than anything. But it can also boil down to how to properly recover a vehicle.

There have been times I have had to hook to smaller than desirable trees. Go to the very base of it and watch it closely.

No real rule that I know of but damaging the forest whether it be intentional or accidental is a no-no. You can very easily find yourself paying for such a thing if caught or discovered


  • oldguy.gif
    2.4 KB · Views: 179
the tree looked to be almost 12 inches at the base and the strap was at the very very base of the tree...

Lets talk about all the people that have driven through the area and undermined the tree in the first place... lets talk about the other 5 trees downed in the area on the vid that look to be storm damage...

wow I can not believe you guys just will not let this die? the vid is gone I think this thread should be deleted as well. just more ammo all over this thread.
wow I can not believe you guys just will not let this die? the vid is gone I think this thread should be deleted as well. just more ammo all over this thread.

I think it shows that alot of wheelers dont like the way others treat our wheeling areas. The fact that we show we dont agree with it and that we are willing to tell/show those who hurt the trails why they should not and how not to is a good thing. :awesomework:
The other drivers didn't post a vid pulling down the tree and the "storm damage" didn't post about it either. If a tree falls in the forest and no ones around to hear it fall, do you still post a video about it?:looser: