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bad weekend in desert racing

I'm surprised **** like that doesn't happen more often. I can't believe they let people stand so close. Why did the people go after the driver??? It didn't look like he did anything wrong??? As far as I'm concerned, you stand 5 feet away from speeding offroad vehicles jumping over burms you're taking your life in your own hands. It is a tragedy no matter how you look at it though.

J. J.
Wow, just read this on yahoo.. But it is the same thing we have been preaching at all our events. We have people standing right in front of the trail. I am to blame for this also. Trying to get those good pictures... I feel for the driver as it isn't his fault. Maybe the track should have been laid out to keep them back further. But in the end it is the people fault for being to close....
caglezxj said:
Wow, just read this on yahoo.. But it is the same thing we have been preaching at all our events. We have people standing right in front of the trail. I am to blame for this also. Trying to get those good pictures... I feel for the driver as it isn't his fault. Maybe the track should have been laid out to keep them back further. But in the end it is the people fault for being to close....

I totally Agree !!!!!!!
i feel sorry for everyone involved . I am sure it is going to get nasty with lawsuits against the driver and organizer of the event. wouldnt be surprised if it brought a lot of legislation to california offroading as an aftermath
It made it to Fox News already so I would bet you're right.

J. J.
CAN ANyone find the actual race video? All I have found have been removed.
Bad weekend for racing in general. Derek's rigs burns to the ground with someone else driving and then this wreck in CA...
It is a shame to have lost lives at events like this. :'( God speed to all their families!

I agree with what others have said. Spectators should not always be so close especially when high speed is involved.

Maybe park owners should start giving spectators waivers as they do competitors/riders. :dunno:

The unfortunate thing is all the true huggers (sand huggers in this case) will use this for more fuel for their bureaucratic engine to band our motor sports and get places closed because its "dangerous" ::)
This is horrible , and agree with others Im certain it will have a huge impact on the "spectator" ability to be so up close and personal with the action. Anything can happen in the desert. :-\
Now is when we have to stand strong as a community. The way we all react to this situation will have a huge effect on the future of our sport. Fight the urge to lash out against the media. Stick to the facts.

Here is a link to a org that you can donate money to help out.


Fast-Aid is grieving with the rest of the off-road community in light of last night’s horrific accident at the MDR California 200 in Lucerne. Fast-Aid was born out of the need for rapid assistance for the families of racers, crews, photographers and spectators after tragedies such as this. Fast-Aid is partnering with several off-road news and media outlets to coordinate donations to assist the families and more information can be found by visiting our website at www.fast-aid.org

If you are donating specifically to help the California 200 casualties, please note “California 200” on your donation and 100% of the funds received will be applied to assisting their families in this difficult time. Donations are tax-deductible.
This type of spectator closeness with the racing has been going on in Europe for years. Watch any kind of rally racing event and you wonder how somebody doesn't get killed at every race. Truly a sad event. Lkie was stated early, I too have been to close to the action watching somebody getting at it on a difficult obstacle never thinking something deadly could happen. I guess it's human nature to think were all invinceble.

like everyone has said.... what a tragedy. Hate to hear something like this, even more scared of the impact it's going to have on off-road racing... like KOH etc., it's going to be a **** storm.

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