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best kinda rock??????????

what is your guys apinion on the best rock to make a rock pile at your house with?


Dont use what i did. The broken up concrete has maximum traction and binds my **** up way to much.My big azz boulders seems to work good though.
I can tell ya which to stay away from.No river rock (to slick,no traction)

no concrete chunks (just because the traction is almost to much,you get used to that kinda traction then when you go hit a comp with out that kinda traction and it tends to throw youre game off.If you know what I mean.

But if you never plan to compete then Hell ya on the concrete chunks there free and usually easy to find.
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heres a pic of my pile

zukes kinda blocking the pile but you get the idea
All mine is stuff from around the property, most of these came from the building of a small test loop for the dirt bikes. Find the biggest rocks you can and get them in first like Brian said, not only does it make the crawling more enjoyable, and the building easier (no tripping over little **** moving boulders in), the big rocks are more stable in the event you need to walk across the pile like I do to get in and out of where I stand to drive.


You can kinda see the texture of them here, they provide plenty of grip, but not so much as to just bind you up or make things too easy.

I have a big chunk of granite farther up in the woods I wish I could bring down, but being that it's about the size of a damn Volkswagen, I'll have to settle for building another rock garden around it.
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