
Blue Torch Fab’s JK was originally purchased with the intent to begin production of JK bumpers and fenders, amung other things. It rolled into the shop and was torn apart with less than 1000 miles on the odometer. First the factory suspension was ditched in favor of a long-arm 6.5? lift BDS suspension kit that would make room for the 40? BFG KM2s mounted on 20? KMC XD Armour wheels. The prototype front bumper was designed for the Warn 9.0rc. It incorporates the factory fog lamps to the center of the bumper, recessed and out of harms way. It is made from high-strength 3/16 steel, and 1 3/4? .120 tube. This particular front bumper will be getting a few minor modifications before production.
The tube fenders were designed with function in mind. They will accomidate up to a 40? tire. The fenders are made from 1 1/2? .120 wall tube, then covered with 1/8? plate. The rear bumper is clean and simple. It was designed so that up to a 37? tire would fit mounted on the factory tire carrier. Plans for a swing-out tire carrier are coming soon. The JK won’t see much trail time before getting torn down again for 1-ton axles, coilovers, and a 6.1 Hemi!