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Boots, Pants, Coats, Glove, Etc...


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2007
Reaction score
Elk Plain
What are you wearing on the trail???

Winters coming and most will be bundling up to keep warm while they wheel... I thought we could all put together a list of what we're wearing to keep warm... Maybe share some ideas that might help others...

1. Feet

Usually some Dickies work socks and Georgia Boot Romeos... As it gets colder I throw on some wool socks over the Dickies and the Sorel Snow Boots...

2. Lower Body

Most of the time Carharts(double knee) or the Key knockoffs... As it gets colder I'll throw some flannel pjs under them... Then cheap rain pants over that when it's rainy or snowy...

3. Upper Body

T-shirt most of the time, then a hoodie followed be a Dickies mechanics jacket as it gets colder... With rain or snow a cheap rain suit jacket over everything...

4. Hands

The blue or yellow knit gloves coated with rubber most of the year... Then I usually buy a cheap pair of ski gloves as it gets colder, because I have a habit of losing them...

5. Head

I really don't wear anything other than a baseball hat or pull over the hood on my hoodie... I've been looking at some goggles and ski masks lately though...

What are you wearing this winter???
If I'm being lazy, Romeo's, If I predict that I will be doing lot of out of the rig stuff, Hunting Boots.

Lower Body:
Wrangler Rig double knee's. They fit fatass's like me most excellent. Pair of suspenders so I don't get no plumer crack.:haha: If its chilly, a pair of sweatpants underneth.

Upper Body:
T shirt, Either a sweatshirt, or a plaid work coat, Duck hunting Jacket if its real bad.

If anything, a good pair of leather gloves.

Baseball cap, or a beanie if its real cold.

If its real cold (meaning below 20*F), I'll wear a pair of my polypro/wool longjohns, a polypro liner sock, and a good wool sock over that. Polypro is nice because it wicks moisture away from the body.

A thing I learned from snowmobiling is that when its overcast out, you usually can't see very much detail in the snow. A yellow lense helps this. I have a pair of yellow safty glasses I wear.
pretty much the same as everybody.

i wear glasses, and a couple years ago my daughter got me a nice stockin hat with a short bill on it.. keeps the snow of my glasses..
funny this was posted, was thinking the same thing today. also do you guys waterproof your jackets? if so what do you use?
I find that when its cold i wear a long sleeve T shirt, with a hoodie, and my light carhart jacket over it.. even if it gets a little wet, its still warm.
if it gets too wet, i put on the heavy carhart coat

and a Boardby sled probably knows.
the nissan heaters KICK ASS
I find that when its cold i wear a long sleeve T shirt, with a hoodie, and my light carhart jacket over it.. even if it gets a little wet, its still warm.
if it gets too wet, i put on the heavy carhart coat

and a Boardby sled probably knows.
the nissan heaters KICK ASS

Yes, yes they do. Untill you have to replace the heater core.:mad:
hickry suspenders keys romeos or gorgas maybe my whites .pends on the mud .or snow.black carhart sense it likes mud.and most the time i wear my tin pants.i have a wool crusher thats my wheeling hat if im camping ...or a rainier wood recyclers hat.hoodys too somtimes.my runner is topless and pretty much a buggy now.but its got a rocken heater in it also.come on snow:redneck:
I've got two pairs of insulated coveralls that I wear wheeling in the winter, one key, one carhartt. Extra pair of socks, wool gloves, and a beanie. Most of the time I'll have to leave the coveralls unzipped for some ventilation cause I stay warm. That and a radiator behind me for a heater core works pretty well. :redneck:
Double H boots (insulated) with nice wool hunting socks.

Carhartt double knee jeans. If really cold Underarmor under the jeans.

T-shirt, sweatshirt, Carhartt coat. If its really cold more Underarmor.

Ball cap or beanie

If its going to be really wet I bring extra stuff cause one way or another I will be wet no matter what.
Danners with wool socks.
Jeans w/ long johns, or wool pants
flannels w/ carhart jacket
If rain or snow, Rivers West coat, pants, hat-100% waterproof and way better than Gore-tex.
I layer up.

Heavy pair of socks and boots for the feet. Work party a couple years ago killed my -20 boots though.

long underwear, jeans, water proof rain pants if snow/rain/generally wet.

long underwear, t-shirt, sweatshirt, carhart jacket, and finally water proof jacket.

gore-tex Rain hat.

Heavy winter work gloves on standby. Never used to have anything on my head, but i've got a full face ski mask now for those truely butt cold days.

Danner Boots, jeans, tank top


Danner Boots w/ good socks, jeans w/ long johns, t-shirt, sweater, and pack a coat for stops

If the wife and kids are along in the winter, the entire back of the Runner is packed with enough **** to live for a month in the Alaskan Outback .. everything from extra coats and socks to 12V electric blankets... :awesomework:
For winter I wear my goretex redwing work boots with a wool blend sock, if there is snow on the ground Ill don the gators, you cant beat em for keep your feet dry in deep snow.

Usually carhart double knees with knee pad inserts, the inserts keep the wet from soaking to the inner layer.

Carhart rain jacket, wears like a regualr jacket but its 100% water proof, is its really cold Ill put on the down Marmont jacket under the carhart = never cold.

Typically dont wear gloves to often, but if I do its a pair of ultra thin cloth gloves with the grippy stuff on the palm side.

Ball cap, maybe a beanie when camping.

Then I take all that **** off when I get in the truck and roll the winders up with the heater on.:D
FEET: Dr scholls leather work boots low rise hella comfy gel insert.

LEGS AND ASS: Wrangler jeans because thats what Brett Favre wears :awesomework:

T-shirt: I hit the goodwill for somethin one off, last time I found a Valley Septic softball shirt THE FLUSHERS! with a #16 on the back. :haha:

Head: my trusty Obama mask or my "stay alive don't drink and drive cap"

Winter. open rig no heater 44 boggers throw **** tons of snow
Feet: Wal mart special snow boots, 100% wool socks, foot warmers

Legs and ass: polypropylene undies, brett favre jeans,bi-mart woodsman insulated bib overalls, shopko special rain bibs.

Top: polypropylene long sleeved shirt, 100% wool long sleeved shirt, bi-mart woodsman jacket, shopko special zip up rain jacket w/hood

Head: I have a hot head convertible thingy. it goes from a neck warmer to a baclava to everything in between even a bag, 100% wool skullcap,
high dollar ski goggles from fred meyer I put the expensive ones in the cheap ones sack when i buy them. :awesomework:

Gloves: Chilly grips are the **** hands stay warm even when wet I take a few pairs with me and dry the wet ones on the manifold.

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