Bush is announcing right now the bailout plan for automakers.
bigsilly said:$13.4 billion in December and another $4 billion in February. If a viable plan is not in place and progress made by March 31 the loans will be called back in by the government. He said bankruptcy is not an option for the automakers.
MUCHADO said:) Great example of SOCIALISM
any interruption of the free market is a deviation from capitalism. The beauty and beast of the system is that when a company is mismanaged, it fails. part of the system, growth, proper, downslide, then either a change with resurgence or failure. That's how **** stays balanced, let them be. laissez faireMUCHADO said:Meh I see your point... but capitolism at it's worst still IMO because these automakers are HUGE and cannot support themselves due to mis-management.... So yes the bailout bullshit is socialism in desperation to keep capitolism of these companies alive although they are failing miserably. Why did it take THIS ****IN LONG to realize where they were headed??? Is there an echo in there I say.... since they obviously have their heads shoved far far far up their asses.