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Cab truck weight distribution


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2010
Reaction score
Nolensville, TN
I wanted to see if you guys had any suggestions on how to make the weight distribution better on my s10... I can't go up any kind of small hill in rear wheel without spinning. I know better tires would be a first step, but it seems as though the weight distro is just not right to me. I really dont want to move the cab, i like the positioning of it right now. Any suggestions ya'll have would be appreciated.
In my old cab truck the previous owner did not want to move the cab back either, so he had welded 2 large steal blocks between the frame rails over the rear axle. If I remember correctly I think it was about 200lbs of weight. It seemed to really help. But with that being said if you can I would recommend moving the cab and motor back in the frame some.
By the time you add a tube bed on the back with tool box, move the gas tank back as far as you can, put the battery in the back & add a big cooler you should be about right.
The only problem I have about moving the cab back is tire clearance... The extended cab puts it really close to the rear tire. I am going to look into putting some tubes between the frame. I have some nice quarter inch walled 2x4, will look into filling it with something to give it a solid core. Is it better to put it right over the axle, or further back?
Four link the rear, and set it up to where you are putting more weight on the rear tires. It's all in the anti squat, and the center of gravity of the links. I'm guessing your running leafs, so when you apply throttle there is no weight transfer to the rear tires. A four link can get the weight to the tires, and I would guess less work than moving the cab back.
Before I put tube in the frame rails I would go ahead and mount everything else that I planned to mount to the bed first (tool box, fuel cell, cage, etc). I have weighted my truck without all of that stuff and with it, and there is a big weight difference. Once you get all that stuff on, then you can see where you need to put any extra weight in the frame. You can also tell where the weight may need to be put in the frame, with all of that stuff added it may need to be moved further back in the frame to balance the truck out better.