techtafab said:
this is a bad story for me allso
my son moved in with me so i wanted C/S from her !
she made more moneys then me so thats fair right ! no *ucking way
her lawyers had a hay day with me and i got NOTHING
4 mouth later he moved back with her, yep guess what back to court and she got her C/S
and every 4 months back to court and more money.
she had a handy cap attorney (spina bifida) so i thing the judge would swing their way
yes you can say im still a little bitter from that (my son is 26 now)
doesn't always go that way.
My cousin (older than me) has 3 kids. 2 of them my age, one of them 6 yrs younger. He paid child support for 12 yrs on the older 2. The younger came and lived with him for the last 8 yrs before his 18th. She refused to pay for 8 yrs. said she didn't have to. Owed something like $22.5K. She's a physicians assistant, her new husband and her combined for over $160K annually.
He got a judgement against her, which matters if you want to get gov't anything, taxes, wages in some cases, etc. She was in another shooling program with gov't aid for the program. They were going to yank it. He got a check for $22,650 the next week laughing1
My wife has custody of her daughter. Her ex is a douche (who wouldn't say that, but really, he lies to Kalli constantly only to dash her hopes and send her crashing down)
He hasn't paid since our son was born 10 months ago. Now her church grade school ($250 an month), all its programs and care and such (a fair amount), swim team, health care, etc are coming from us, while paying for a newborn. He also dropped med insurance on her so we paid all the other half out of pocket for her tonsilectomy, braces, checkups, etc. It's right at $7500 right now. He offered $2000 to settle it laughing1 We'll wait until his rich parents die. With a judgement, their estate can't be settled because one of the parties has a judgement

FWIW he's a restaurant manager now for IHOP, and was for Red Lobster when we got together. Not exactly a drunk or tweaker