They have decided which hills the race is gonna take place on. There are three different courses marked off for the different classes.
It will be in the same area it was last time but next to Flip Flop and Nuts and Bolts. Its gonna be a good show for sure! It will be very easy to spectate and its not to far from camp. There will be consesions available at the event but coolers and grills are always welcome. ;D
There are folks coming from all over the southeast to compete in this series. They are allowing chain drives, bolted tires, and no limit on horse power!!!!! So if you enter, you better bring enough!!!
Sounds good! There is a big group here from KY that has started filling up the campground. Gonna be a blast tomorrow. They are cutting a brand new hill to have the competition on this morning.
f-ing hell of day and a lot a fun, dont know all the winners but the woman impressed alot ! wes and woody had a tuff time with the narrow turns but still competed hard. they put on a good show after hittin toprider, violater and showtime. i will be addin a few vids tomorrow but heres one i like......