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Choccolocco this Saturday.

No because we're all gonna be too busy not being gay at Morris Mtn. :flipoff1:

.....but I hope you crawl boat ramp and get a small chubby before you get to the top since you are going to be a non conforming fag boy and not attend the good ride.
MMORV support the park ride
Crawl Readers ride
Dixie run at GMP

And now Kevin's ass grabbing ride at Chocolloco

:wtflol: too many rides in one weekend!
kmcminn said:
I have to stay away from the big crowds. When you only pull your rig out of shop once a year you don't want a traffic jam. Yall both can suck on my little Caucasian Nuts.

The last thing you'll run into at Morris Mtn is a traffic jam. We gon' cover ground and hit it all! I don't like twiddling thumbs when I wheel!
kmcminn said:
I have to stay away from the big crowds. When you only pull your rig out of shop once a year you don't want a traffic jam. Yall both can suck on my little Caucasian Nuts.

I agree with that, nothing worse than a traffic jam
Re: Re: Choccolocco this Saturday.

My name is KMcMinn and I'm on the way to Choccolocco to do some four wheel drivin....

P.S. I enjoy male nudity.
