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Converting transmitter power to 2/3a pack...


Zombie Hunter
Jul 22, 2006
Tenino, WA
Tired of going through AA batteries like crazy? Here is an easy solution. I can't take credit for this idea, Jeremy did this to a radio I bought from him, I just finished doing it to my other radio so I thought I would post some pics. This an extremely easy mod to do. Both radios I have are made by JR, the principal should apply to other radios as long as you have the room for the pack.

Here is all you need:
Male Deans
8-cell 2/3a brick pack with female Deans plug
Silicone wire (I used 14awg since that is what I had)
Soldering iron and Solder

All materials can be bought from Cheapbatterypacks.com

I opened up the radio so I could have easier access to everything. I cut two pieces of wire about 2" long and soldered them to the male Deans plug. Next you will solder them to the terminals on the radio (if you can't figure it out, you can easily see which terminal is which by looking at the back side of them).

Next you will have to clearance the case, I had to remove the ribbing from each side of the case to clear the pack, it is kind of hard to see in this pic, I can get a better picture if needed:

Next you will have to remove the ribbing from the cover, I just melted them off with the soldering iron.

Here is the pack you will need, you have to make sure you get the pack with the thin welded straps between the cells and not the thick soldered on bars, they will not fit.


Then just put everything pack together, stick it in, and you are good to go!

is there a benifit to this better than what I run? I went to the film section of walmart and for about 20 bucks I got 4 2500mah nimh AAs and a quick ac/dc charger and an extra pack of 4 batteries for about 10 bucks.

do these 2/3a cells have an advantage over the same number of AAs in a higher mah rating? just seems like alot of work. whats the gain? not knocking your install or being an ass, I just dont understand enough about these 2/3a cells to see the advantage?

I have bought about 30 of these AA 2500mah nimh batteries and have them in all the tv remotes and all the cars. It even charges off of a cigerette lighter if needed. takes 2-4 hours to charge them. I have been pretty happy with them.
I have substantially longer run times with this pack, before with standard AA's they would last me about 2 hours, I have probably twice that on this pack and it still has plenty of charge. There is nothing wrong with the rechargable AA's, but it cost me the same to do this as it would to buy the AA's and charger...
I have substantially longer run times with this pack, before with standard AA's they would last me about 2 hours, I have probably twice that on this pack and it still has plenty of charge. There is nothing wrong with the rechargable AA's, but it cost me the same to do this as it would to buy the AA's and charger...

Is there any difference in say a normal c sized 1500cell and a 2/3a 1500 cell?

I see these new smaller cells alot more now. do they work better electricly or just weigh less? pros /cons?
I am using the Energizer AA rechargables also and they work pretty good for me. The only thing I want to do is set it up so I can use my good charger and not the crappy trickle charger that was made for them. On my old radio got about 6-8 hours runtime but with the new dx3r it lasts at least 14 hours so far on just 4 of them.

I have heard that the AA's won't last as many charges as the 2/3 packs and the voltage drops off faster but that could just be hearsay