Smarty is the best for the dodge trucks. They make a Smarty Jr also that offers smaller tunes, that is what I would do. I had a Bully Dog on my old 07 5.9 and I was not really pleased with it for anything past the first two settings. If you put it on the highest settings it was just stupid. Could barely touch the gas pedal and just smoked like crazy. If you check the dodge forums they will all recommend the smarty
The site above is the best site I found on information about Dodge Cummins. You can easily get an opinion on there from people that have ran any of the controllers imaginable for these trucks.
Are the bully dog tuners detectable by the dealership?
After reading Matt's comments I did check out the smarty and it is claimed to be undetectable.
I also have been looking at the edge juice with attitude. All seem to be comparably priced - but it's slippry slope - tuner leads to the need for gauges - and then exhaust and on and on.
I gots a edge Juice with attitude and a smarty on my 04.5 5.9 cummins. Runs like a scalded dog!!! Bought my edge a couple of years ago. Lately alot of the edge stuff I install has been coming back with problems. Smarty all the way and dont look back. Best chip I've ever played with, and I've done a lot of them. If you want the guages look into the insight by edge it seems to be doing good, and good pricing too.
i have heard alot of good things about a smarty but i did not want to drop that much coin and i bought a DiabloSport Predator, so far so good i like the programmer and it woke the old cummins up
i have heard alot of good things about a smarty but i did not want to drop that much coin and i bought a DiabloSport Predator, so far so good i like the programmer and it woke the old cummins up
Thanks for the replies - Smarty it will be then - got to decide on some exhaust now. I will never run the 4" straight pipe again there will be some sort of muffler this time for sure :****: