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Cutting plexiglas


-Oh no I picked a side-
Mar 26, 2001
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Da gold bar
What have you found to be the best way to cut Plexiglas? I would figure something with a fine toothed blade?
Jigsaw with fine toothed blade. Break the straight lines first then cut the corners out.
No! I used to do acrylic fab work, use a carbide tipped blade and a table or skil saw but it must be a VERY sharp blade There are special blades with every other tooth having a bevel that avoids chipping. Your best finish comes if you cut it and then use a carbide router to finish the edge. I have used any old saw blade and then cleaned up the edge this way. A fine tooth blade will gum up and melt the edge and cause a real mess.

I will see if I can find out a source for a blade for you.

Actually if you are making a rounded edge lay out a pattern with a piece of plywood then go around the pattern with the router and a bit that is smaller than the bearing to rough out your cut and then switch to a bit the same size as the bearing and make a nice smooth finished edge. Or of course use the same bit and an oversized bearing and then smaller bearing......
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When I worked with my buddy doing stereo installs, he would cut plexi with a jigsaw. They make blades specifically for cutting plexiglass.
I have used a cutting wheel on my angle grinder many times.

Ditto, its the only way i could cut thin plexi with out shattering it. Then when i finally got it cut when i was cruising down the highway it couldnt handle the wind and shattered.

Now i use lexan :awesomework: but for a canopy window plexi is super.
I had good luck with the band saw and a wood blade. Tried a sawzall but that just ended up breaking it cause it would heat up and stick to the blade. I was only cutting 1/4" thick pieces though (was going to attempt an RC chassis out of it, didn't really work out so great)
NO NO NO. find someone with a vertical band saw, a small one, with a thin flexible blade for doing really curvy lines. I made a replacement door window for my toy out of plexi and i used one of those and it cut like butter no chips or cracks, and you can do curves easily. Usually this saw i speak of is used for like wood craft i believe, you know like cutting out elves or gnomes(=
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