If its free, its P
Tonight : Lube my dirty thirty
laughing1 Been pressure washing it every damn weekend with the wet riding conditions and Saturday she was squeaky balls while we were riding. Need to hit all the link joints , the ujoints, and the driveshafts up before this weekend.
Get the driverside of my dash put in (did all the cutting at work today ) Piddle in the garage and clean up a little bit.
Friday : Work until 11 - all of us are going to lunch with the dood thats coming up from ATL to ride with me at Grayrock, we do business with the company he is VP of so he's buying. Bail out after lunch and hit up World of Wheels. Beer , hang out
Will be dood's first time wheeling, should be a blast !
I dont know after that... dont know if he is bailing out Saturday afternoon or night, or staying or what.

Friday : Work until 11 - all of us are going to lunch with the dood thats coming up from ATL to ride with me at Grayrock, we do business with the company he is VP of so he's buying. Bail out after lunch and hit up World of Wheels. Beer , hang out

I dont know after that... dont know if he is bailing out Saturday afternoon or night, or staying or what.