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Design a trail day


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2008
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Here is your chance to have some input to the trail. Do you want it hard. How hard, this is your chance to give YOUR input. Reiter 4x4 is on about an 80% build out on phase one so your input will be taken seriously. from mild to wild all ideas are welcome

As always any one coming we meet at the deer flats road gate at 9:00 am
Is it just me or have many of us given like a million hours of input on trail design? Why are we going through this again?:eeek:
Due to my current situation i can not attend but my input is make as hard as possible. The harder the better, there are already too many miles of easy trails.
Is it just me or have many of us given like a million hours of input on trail design? Why are we going through this again?:eeek:

From what I gather everything up to this point has been more input than anything and all of that input went into getting the trail specs defined. For those who have read them and understand them it gives us allot more power to get what we want.

Plus the trails were not 100% defined as they are now and with the current data thats being collected we are getting actual data on the ground(slops) that we will use for creating those obstacles.

IMO the DNR has just taken what we have done to this point as simple input and now its time to start getting ideas to go onto the ground.

I don't care as I am getting excited to seeing things happening here very soon.
Due to my current situation i can not attend but my input is make as hard as possible. The harder the better, there are already too many miles of easy trails.

Its too bad hip I would love for ya to be able to get out there and see whats going on for yourself...
From what I gather everything up to this point has been more input than anything and all of that input went into getting the trail specs defined. For those who have read them and understand them it gives us allot more power to get what we want.

Plus the trails were not 100% defined as they are now and with the current data thats being collected we are getting actual data on the ground(slops) that we will use for creating those obstacles.

IMO the DNR has just taken what we have done to this point as simple input and now its time to start getting ideas to go onto the ground.

I don't care as I am getting excited to seeing things happening here very soon.

I think I see what you're saying. I think it may be helpful to let people know before they go out there that there are some specific guidelines already written in stone for the trails. It's not a design what you want sort of thing at this point....Say for instance the specs for "X" trail is such and such slope max and such and such size rocks max per tire size- etc so it's just a matter of what the sequence of the slope and rocks would be as they're already determined what size and slope will be......
It's a good idea to get people involved on the ground but lets give them some info before they commit they're valuable weekend thinking one thing is happening and get out there to find something different.:awesomework:
I think I see what you're saying. I think it may be helpful to let people know before they go out there that there are some specific guidelines already written in stone for the trails. It's not a design what you want sort of thing at this point....Say for instance the specs for "X" trail is such and such slope max and such and such size rocks max per tire size- etc so it's just a matter of what the sequence of the slope and rocks would be as they're already determined what size and slope will be......
It's a good idea to get people involved on the ground but lets give them some info before they commit they're valuable weekend thinking one thing is happening and get out there to find something different.:awesomework:

you are correct and I will work on that asap for everyone. But now the trails are stationed and now we are saying what we want between the stations. Like for example
Between station 1 and 2 we want 3 rocks on the left that leans the rig 80% grade towards the right and a tree on the right that we have to fit threw.


we want 2 trees that we have to squeeze between

Or on this right turn we want it to slope outward with a big rock on the inside

Tree maze
how many trees

mini rock garden
How many rocks and how big

1 tire drop or climb
on a green trail that can go to 46" if I remember right
On a Yellow trail that is 52" I think

2 tire tilt
Green up to 40"
Yellow up to 46"

So for everyone when I give these mesurments, that is the elevation differance between the right and left tire


this is a 80% drop for 60" and a 67% side angle. We can go by the specs 90% drop for 80" and a 113% grade on the side angle. So what that means for a one tire drop we can have on the passenger side 72" between the front tire and the rear and 54" between the right front and the left front

that is messed up :cheer:
They seem to have the concept of rock stacking up at Stevens pass... We just want larger equipment and much larger rocks

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I met with David today and we did a bunch of stationing of the trails for Sunday. Also to clear some things up. David will not be there. This is our time to discuse what we want for trails. More in depth than just we want them hard. More than what I can cover on here, but it should be a lot of fun. We got about 90% of the area by the gate stationed so we are ready to go
I met with David today and we did a bunch of stationing of the trails for Sunday. Also to clear some things up. David will not be there. This is our time to discuse what we want for trails. More in depth than just we want them hard. More than what I can cover on here, but it should be a lot of fun. We got about 90% of the area by the gate stationed so we are ready to go

So...If the DNR will not be present, who are we discussing the trail design with?
So...If the DNR will not be present, who are we discussing the trail design with?

I am well briefed and take good notes. Basically we can do what ever we want in the trail, as long as it doesn't exceed the specs

I know it doesn't make sense BUT somehow it will when we are out there.
things that will help
Know the trail specs that I posted
If you have a smart phone. down load a degree app that does grade

I hope this helps. :awesomework:
Maybe this will help. The trails are stationed ( see pdf ) then we ( the users ) add what we would like to see the trail like. lots of notes and drawings of what we like with a station number attatched to it. Then DNR figures drainage off of our wants.

View attachment 50063

It's a lot of work but with some good input we can get what we want


Maybe this will help. The trails are stationed ( see pdf ) then we ( the users ) add what we would like to see the trail like. lots of notes and drawings of what we like with a station number attatched to it. Then DNR figures drainage off of our wants.

View attachment 50063

It's a lot of work but with some good input we can get what we want

That didn't do much for me...I will be there at any rate. Will be good to see where the trails will actually be & to discuss what is actually possible with the DNR trail specifications.
For those that are not staying Saturday night, but are showing up Sunday morning. we are still meeting at 9am