No need to look purty...just show up...there is more to it than the dedication...
To fill folks in, Got a call from Jim Cahill, and yes there will be a dedication for the Volunteers of WV ORV...But, there will be a couple others things needing attention. He got a call from the higher ups, stated that there has been reports of water quality issues within the trail systems (both 4x4 and singletrack/quad)....there are only a couple spots on the 4x trails needing abit of attention...The idea is to show Olympia we care and take care of the trails BEFORE it becomes a mandatory temp closure until said repairs are done!!! The idea is to get this day's progress and repairs onto the DNR Blog, showing Oly we're taking care of it!!!
The plan is to have a trail run split into 2 groups, one heading up upper Mainline, the other up Lower Mainline----during this, the areas needing repair will get the attention they need (Bring appropriate gear...shovel, pickaxe,etc...), while pics and poss interviews are taken (Jim and Alyse are going to be running with the groups for this!!!)...once the minor repairs are completed the run continues with the two groups meeting at the "Washington Volunteer 4x4 trails area" AKA "The learning Center"

, where the dedication/official opening ceremony will take place....ALOT of hard work was put into this area and it's kinda nice to see we're being recognized...A big Thanks to all that have helped out in the last few years!!! Come on up!!!:awesomework: