Summer conv. isn't for wheelers. They do have street and trail comp class, but not your average wheelers gig. Most of all the people that I meat at these comps don't get out and wheel much. The comps, for me, don't offer enough action for your $$$. The last time I went I probably got 15 minutes of seat time all weekend, you only run the course once for your class. My whole take on summer conv. is it is more for b.s. than anything else. I prefer to actually wheel 20 miles of trail in a day and be in my Jeep seat for 6-10 hours a day.
Sorry if this sounds like a little bit of a rant but it is what I see, from my view.
Meeting groups to wheel with at these events doesn't usually happen very often. These groups are happy with their old members and don't want new members or "Toyotas" going on the trail.
Go to a Rieter GTG(Get ToGether) or a local work party Evans, Walker, Elbe, and Rieter to find people to wheel with.
Sorry all my $.02