If you only know how all of this went down. I talked to some higher ranking folks in our state government, lawyers, the ABI and a few others. Just short of bringing down the hammer on your own brother is nothing you ever want to have to do. He pushed just enough to get an ear full, but not so hard that I had to go full retard on him. It was wise on him to pull his deal off the table and it has given me fits and has me chasing my tail on a daily basis still. I search properties, read and reread code, law, interact with all kinds of folks in the local government that I don't want to.
Honest to God, I wanna be done with all of this. It will either come down to me making it happen or someone else. I assure you as well, this will be my last business deal that is on this big of a scale. I refuse to make my heart or head strain anymore than it already has. In case some of you don't see it, I become even crazier than normal and that isn't good for anyone. I refuse to drink at home and make my wife deal with me, so sorry for some of you that have gotten the brunt of it. I really want to shut all of this out of my head forever. I've never been so mad at someone in my life and its my own freaking brother.