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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2008
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The land lord who owns my shop recently bought a drone. It is one of the quad-copter ones. It has a good working live camera on it, can hover with amazing stability, etc. The first time he flew it around I thought it was kind of neat. He came over and showed me all about it, all its features, etc. Not going to lie, I kind of want one. But since then there literally hasn't been a single day at my shop where it isn't there at least once, if not numerous times through my day of work. He flies it down into my yard, hovers and looks into the big shop door as I work. Its kind of alarming at first because it sounds exactly like a bottle of acetylene that has sprung a large leak. I run around checking all my bottles and then realize, oh, its just my weird land lord's drone watching me again. And when I say weird, he is kind of a perv. He has a shed that he built behind the pawn shop that he owns where he has orgies with ugly single women. (He's shown me gross ****ing pics of him and sometimes as many as ten 300+ pounders at once.) My shop is in a hood, the people that live around me are all convicts out on parole. While he doesn't own the slums they live in, he does use the drone to spy on them also. They get mad, scream at him, throw stuff at the drone. But he still comes back for more.

I'm not sure if I am annoyed by this yet or not. I don't do anything illegal that I would try to hide at my shop. My main fear is that he sees what I am doing and figures I can afford an increase in rent. That or he sees my tools and decides that he wants one of the convicts to come get them for his pawn shop. The initial panic as I run around checking my torch bottles is very annoying also. I'm not sure if what he is doing is legal or not. The first time or two I figured he was just playing with his new toy and I didn't care. Its beyond that now though. I keep hoping that one of the convicts scores a hit to resolve the problem. Someone else told me to invent a signal jammer so that it just falls when it comes around. Next time I see him I think I'm going to tell him that I don't appreciate the copter always being around. I don't really know why I'm posting this. Figured ya'll might have some input I guess.
Seems like a serious invasion of privacy. The jammer seems like a good idea. It would definitely suck to have to spend a dime to have to rid yourself of the creepy little spy.

Do some research on a signal interrupter, my buddy has a big parrot drone he brings to my house to fly b/c I have a 10 acre field. He was telling me the new thing is people interrupting drones signal and taking control of it and stealing it. I would just take control of it and crash the **** outta it!
I'd probably just let him know about the sound causing issues like you mentioned and ask that he stop flying it around your shop. If that doesn't work, string up some fishing line to tangle/crash it.

Is he flying with a HUD/glasses, or just recording with a gopro?
WTF. That would seriously weird me out, I would probably do something stupid and shoot it with a shotgun and then promptly get arrested.
bgredjeep said:
Is he flying with a HUD/glasses, or just recording with a gopro?

The remote has a port on it for a cell phone. Everything the camera on the drone sees is broadcast live to the phone on the remote. Since he has a plethora of phones at his pawn shop he just has a dedicated phone for it so that he doesn't have to tie up his cell while he uses it. It records everything if he wants it to. The camera on the actual chopper is built-in.
Whether your a fan of the show or not, South Park did a fairly spot on parody of this drone revolution. That's all I have to add, too bad it's your landlord or some bird shot would do the trick...
My neighbor has one that he flies around the "neighborhood".

It's irritating because it's loud and my dog freaks out when he sees it.
I'm not sure I have the self restraint as some of you folks. I'm with jrich on this. I'd go hunting. I did like the fishing line idea as well.
Believe me, the shotgun idea crossed my mind. But I am the only one in the neighborhood legally allowed to own one and my LL has seen some of my guns so he would know it was me. :)
Be mindful of signal jammers. There's some FCC crap if you jam the wrong signals.

The use of "cell jammers" or similar devices designed to intentionally block, jam, or interfere with authorized radio communications (signal blockers, GPS jammers, or text stoppers, etc.) is a violation of federal law. Also, it is unlawful to advertise, sell, distribute, or otherwise market these devices to consumers in the United States. These devices pose serious risks to critical public safety communications, and can prevent you and others from making 9-1-1 and other emergency calls. Jammers can also interfere with law enforcement communications. Operation of a jammer in the United States may subject you to substantial monetary penalties, seizure of the unlawful equipment, and criminal sanctions including imprisonment.
What you need is a helicopter rigged up with a gun on it, then you can chase the drone around and have a shoot out. Tell me that wouldn't be fun.
I'd put a $20 bounty on it, if your in the hood, should only take about 1.2 minutes to collect the wounded duck. It'd probably be quicker if you offered to pay in Malt Liquor........

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stano said:
I'd put a $20 bounty on it, if your in the hood, should only take about 1.2 minutes to collect the wounded duck. It'd probably be quicker if you offered to pay in Malt Liquor........

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

12 pack of Busch would probably get the job done better in his 'hood.
kmcminn said:
I believe it. Lol

I say talk to land lord first.

Lol. Sometimes I piss the neighbors off just for fun. There's a reason I live on a farm away from mass quantities of people.